DG Found the Eggnog

DG has dispatched the leftover Halloween candy, so now he has moved on to the eggnog.

DG drinking eggnog

He says that he is just making room in the refrigerator for the leftovers, but I’m not buyin’ it.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

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DG’s Halloween Decision

DG finally decided not to go out at all.

He stayed home to hand out the candy.

DG eating candy

And to …. eat the candy.

Be careful with that, buddy, it’s powerful stuff.

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DG as Bernie

DG’s latest Halloween idea is to dress up as Bernie Sanders.

DG as Bernie

“No”, I said, “that will not do. It’s too political”.

“Besides”, I added, “it’s too scary”.

DG - and that wasn't political?

Oh, hush.

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The Ghost of DG

DG’s latest idea is to dress up as a ghost for Halloween.

DG in a sheet

“Well, DG”, I said, “That’s a pretty pedestrian costume”.

No. Ghosts float. They don't walk.

OK then…. we’ll leave it at that.

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The Snapper is Dead

Sad news. Our old Snapper lawn mower has stopped working.

Snapper in Cancel circle

It is at the end of its rope.

Broken pull rope

It just …… snapped.

But the Snapper is old and doesn’t owe us anything. I still have the receipt. Check out the date.

June 15, 1985

But all is not lost. Say “Hello” to our new battery operated lawn mower.

Ryobi Electric

It runs on rechargeable batteries. No gasoline. No oil. No blue smoke and noise and stink and oil changes and spills. Just push the button and mow the lawn.

We are Green, baby, Green!

Post Script: Realizing that I still have the original receipt for a 36 year old lawnmower was a real “Get-A-Life” moment.

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DG’s Halloween Costume

Halloween is coming soon, and DG is trying to decide on what costume he wants to wear.

He thinks that Batman is the way to go.

Batman Costume

Um…….. No.

How about “No”?

No no no no no…..

We still have to live in this neighborhood.

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I found DG with yet another variation on his new hobby.

Watching Youtube videos.

DG Watching Youtube

I think that might be a self-limiting problem.


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The TV Alternative

DG has stopped looking for his TV.

He has found an alternative.


DG Streaming Vids

Well, that’s pretty easy to take care of.

Cutting credit card

An unfortunate side effect is that I had to mow the lawn myself. Dang!.

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My Little Secret

OK. I will let you in on my little secret.

Where did I hide DG’s TV?

TV sitting on Lawn Mower


Any bets on how long it will take him to find it?

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Still Looking

DG is still looking for his TV.

He looked in the pantry this time.

Looking in Pantry

Unfortunately, he found some stale cookies in there.

Munching a cookie

Think I should tell him how old those are?

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