Being Mean

DG was a bit annoyed with me for sending him that phony 1040XEZ form.

So he wrote me up on a BM form and sent it to me. That is a Being Mean form. Check it out.

Being Mean to me

Actually, I think he just made the whole thing up.

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It’s Tax Time

Once again it is time to fill out your Income Tax forms.

DG just received his tax forms in the mail.

What the heck is this?

Remember back when the government was promising that you will be able to fill out your tax forms on a postcard?

We there it is… it’s the new Extra Easy, 1040XEZ form.

How much money do you have? Send it to us.

That's not funny, and it's political.

Political? No it’s not. Everybody hates paying taxes.

OK. I confess. I sent it. But ya gotta admit it’s funny.



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Time to change your clocks

It is that time of year again when we make our blanket longer by cutting six inches off the top and sewing it onto the bottom.

Don’t forget to set your clocks one hour ahead tonight.

Hey, DG, don’t forget to change your clock!

Tossing clock into the trash

Well, that’s not exactly what I had in mind.

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Happy Twosday

Happy Twosday, everyone!


It’s “Twosday”…. 2/22/22. Get it? Twos…day….. on Tuesday.

And I posted it at 2:22 too.

I wanted to post it at 2:22:22, but my timing was a bit off.

That's a get a life holiday

Oh sush. You are such a spoil sport.

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It is Superbowl time again.

DG is ready to rock and roll.

DG with Patriots Hat

Oh. Uh. How do I break this to him gently?

How about this:

“All those who’s favorite team is in the Superbowl this year, step forward….. where the heck are you going, DG?”

Actually, we celebrated “Superbowl Sunday (Observed)” yesterday with pizza and chips and cheese curls so all of us could enjoy the decadent food. Today….. maybe I’ll just have a sandwich… and a nap.

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Two Weeks In

Here we are, two weeks into 2022. How’s it going with those New Years Resolutions?

DG’s resolution this year is to lose 5 pounds. Let’s check in and see how he’s doing.

How’s it going, DG?

DG mumbling

What? What was that? I didn’t actually catch that. Say again?

DG louder mumbling

I still didn’t understand that. Stop mumbling. How’s that New Years Resolution going?

Gained 5 pounds

Oh. Oops.

You should do what I do. I make the same resolution every year. “I resolve to eat more fat, salt, and sugar, exercise less and try to put on weight.” That way, when I fail at it…. it’s all good for me.

DG staring

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Happy New Year

We are here celebrating the end of 2021. Yay.

Looks like DG is still stumping for that eggnog.

DG in very large party hat

Happy New Year

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Merry Christmas

DG found his Santa suit.

According to him, he has lost so much weight doing jumping jacks that the hat doesn’t fit him anymore.

DG in oversized hat

I think he found a bigger hat to convince me to let him go after that eggnog again.

Regardless, from all of us here,

Merry Christmas

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‘Nother Nog Blog

Joy. We have eggnog back in the house again.

Eggnogg carton



DG, don't even think about it.


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DG versus Eggnog

After DG’s dalliance with the eggnog, he was somewhat horrified when he stepped on the bathroom scale.

DG on scale

“Wow”, I said, “and that was just the eggnog. We haven’t even started with the Christmas cookies and the pies and the chocolates and the candy canes!”.

But, DG has a plan.

DG doing jumping jacks

Hey, do me a favor and keep watching this for a while. DG needs the exercise.

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