DG is Protesting Again

DG is protesting again. It looks like he wasn’t happy with all that yardwork I put him through last time.

DG holding protest sign

There’s a lot of words on that sign. What does it say?

Cartoons Against Mandatory Egregious Labor”.


Camel? What the heck kind of movement is “Camel”?

Ans: Slow.


Hey, DG, if you’re going to have a movement, you need a logo. How about this

Camel Face Drawing



OK. Well, maybe that isn’t the very best logo, but it will get you over the hump until you get a better one.

Ha ha ha haaaaa…

Hey! DG! That logo looks a little bit like you!

Haaaaa haaa

Don’t get mad. Water you want from me? I’m dune the best I can.

Wait! Don’t desert me! I’m not done. We haven’t decided hooves at fault yet.

Haaa haaaa haaaa.

Hey, DG! What’s the difference between a camel with one hump and a camel with two

DG: Sigh. I don’t know. What?

Me: One hump. Duh

Haaa ha haaaa.

DG: Sigh

Me: Hey! DG! What did the camel say to the ostrich?

DG: Sigh. I don’t know, what?

Me: Nothing. Camels can’t talk. Duh.

Hahaaa haah haaaaa.

DG: Sigh

Hey! DG!

Hey! DG!

Hey! …. DG?

Now where did he go?

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DG Does Yardwork

DG has been goofing off again, so I rousted him out to get some of that yardwork done.

“Hey, DG! Get up and get after that yardwork. It’s starting to look ratty.”

You can't make me do yardwork.

Oh yeah? You are a cartoon character, and I can draw you doing anything I want.

Check this out!

DG raking

DG pruning

DG Mowing

There! All done. Now, that wasn’t so bad, was it?

DG crashed on the floor

You are such a drama queen.

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Summer is Here

I declare that summer has officially arrived.

The air is warm, the sun is out, the flowers are all blooming….

Flowering plants

The arbor is covered with roses.

Arbor covered in roses

DG is out doing his yard work.

DG sleeping in a lounge chair

OK. We’ll have to work on that later.


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Mowing the Lawn

I found DG goofing off again now that the weather is nice.

DG with umbrella drink

“Hey, DG, enough goofing off! Do something useful, like mow the lawn.”

DG frowning.

He wasn’t happy with that, but I did convince him to get up out of his chair and push the lawnmower around. Check it out.*


*Go ahead and turn on the sound. I am making talkies now.


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The Snapper Is Back

Remember way back when our old Snapper mower snapped and quit working? Here is a link to that post in case you have forgotten.

The Snapper is Dead

Well, the Snapper has snapped back.

Yep. It’s true. You can see it for yourself in the video below. Turn on the sound if you want to hear it purring away.


So what is that all about? I thought that the Snapper had been retired?

Nope. Even though we now have that awesome new all electric mower, I could not make myself simply give up on the old girl for something as simple as a broken rope. I mean…. years of dedicated service …. always there when we needed her….. to be left pining away in the garage…..

So I tootled on down to the Big Box Home Improvement Store (BBHIS …. emphasis on the hisss) and bought a generic replacement rope.

New rope in the package

Then I took off the necessary pieces parts from the mower and laid ’em out.

Parts on the floor

Using the old, broken rope, which I had kept because I never throw anything away (sigh) I measured the proper length of the new rope.

New and old rope together

I put the new rope on the pulley, and it was ready to rock n’ roll.

Shroud with new rope.

After putting the shroud back on the mower and treating it to some fresh new gasoline and a few shots of starting fluid,

Starting fluid

the Snapper started up and we are good to go.

I am looking forward to another 37 years of service out of this appliance. But I doubt I will do this service again next time…. after all, I will be 112 years old then and will probably stick with the lighter electric mower.

Oh, and Happy Memorial Day everybody. Never forget those who sacrificed so much so we can run our Snappers and mow our lawns.

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Happy Mother’s Day

Hey, you forgot mother's day.

No I didn’t. I made a nice card for my wife, who is the Mother of our children.

You didn't blog anything on mother's day.

Why would I do that? You aren’t my Mother.

Well, it's the thought that counts, you know.

OK then, you win. Happy Mother’s Day, DG.

OK. That's weird.


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My New Woodworking Project

Long time since you blogged

I have been working on my latest woodworking project. Here is a picture.

Cutting Board

How long did that take to make?

Well…. I didn’t time it…. but I think it might have been 50 or 60 hours of work.

Dude, it's just a cutting board.

Well, I work only with hand tools, you know…. it takes a bit longer with hand tools.

DG Rolling his eyes

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A funny quote…

Here is one of my favorite quotations from Ambrose Bierce.

                                                 A Causeway

A Rich Woman having returned from abroad disembarked at the foot of Knee-
deep Street, and was about to walk to her hotel through the mud.

“Madam,” said a Policeman, “I cannot permit you to do that; you would
soil your shoes and stockings.”

“Oh, that is of no importance, really,” replied the Rich Woman, with a
cheerful smile.

“But, madam, it is needless; from the wharf to the hotel, as you observe,
extends an unbroken line of prostrate newspaper men who crave the honour
of having you walk upon them.”

“In that case,” she said, seating herself in a doorway and unlocking her
satchel, “I shall have to put on my rubber boots.”

                                                                      Ambrose Bierce, Fantastic Fables


Hey, that's policical

It is not political. It’s making fun of the media. Everybody makes fun of the media.

Besides it was published in 1899.

Yeah, but it's still relevant

OK. You win. You got me on a technicality.

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April Fools!

Look I shaved my head

Hair springing up

April Fools

Honestly, DG, that is the lamest April Fools gag I have ever seen.

Sour puss

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DG Calculates His Tax Rate

DG got busy this weekend doing his income taxes and calculating what percentage tax he pays. But he ran into a problem on the calculator.

Calculator showing Error

No matter what he did, the calculator threw an error. DG was not happy.

“What’s wrong with this stupid calculator?” he shouted.

Angry DG

“DG”, I said, “It’s not the calculator. You see, since you are a cartoon character, you have no income. So, when you divide your taxes by your income you get a “divide by zero” error in the calculator.”

DG says Wha?

“Listen up. You have no income, so you put a zero in the divisor when you calculated your tax rate. Dividing by zero is an invalid operation, so the calculator gives you an error. In order to calculate your tax percentage, you need to have at least some income. Just a second. I think I can fix this. ”

So, I made him a W2 form that shows an income of one cent.

Since he won’t owe any taxes on an income of one cent, the calculations work out now.

Zero divided by 0.01 give…..

Calculator showing zero

Ta Daaaa! Your tax rate is zero.

DG smiling

Sometimes you have to play along.

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