DG, the Elf

After I did that Fat Gag, DG was so worried about what I might do to him in his Santa Suit that he decided this year to dress up as an Elf.

Very short DG

Hey, why am I so short?

Because you are an Elf, and Elves are short.

Not fair. Make me taller!

OK. Have it your way.

Very tall DG. That's not funny.

Some people are just never satisfied.

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Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving dinner is over, so I dew a picture of DG all settled into his easy chair after the meal.

Really fat DG

Bwaaa haa haaaa.

That's not funny!

Oh, you think that’s bad? Wait till you see what I do to you in the Santa Suit.

DG staring

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody.


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Blogging Again

It has been a loooong time since we blogged anything.

Why is that?

Well….. nothing is funny anymore.

Hunh? Yes it is.

No, it’s not.

Yes it is.

NO… it’s NOT!


OK then. Here’s a joke.

Two men walk into a food riot….

Hey! That's not funny!

Yes it is.

No, it's not!

YES… it IS!

No, it's not.


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Bee Hugs

Now that DG is friends with the bees, I think maybe he got a little bit too cozy with them.

DG with Bee sting

You know, DG, sometimes those Bee Hugs only go one way.

Also, did you know that a bee can only sting you once?

DG surprised

Yeah. Once a bee stings you it dies.

DG sad

But then maybe it isn’t all that bad…. it could have been a hornet that stung you, and a hornet doesn’t die after stinging.

DG Smiling

…. so then….. it can come back and sting you again.

DG mad

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Mowing the Lawn

The heat has broken for now, and I heard the lawn mower being pushed around outside. Yay!

I ran outside to congratulate DG for finally getting off hisĀ derriere and doing some yard work. This is what I found.

DG relaxing with a drink

What the heck?

So, then who is pushing the lawn mower around?


How do you suppose he made that happen?

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To Bee or Not to Bee

Speaking of getting a bee in your bonnet… now that the heat has broken I managed to get DG out of the house for a bit.

Unfortunately, it seems that one of the bumble bees has taken a liking to him.

Bee chasing DG

Actually, I think that the bumbler just wants to give DG a big ol’ Bee Hug.

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DG’s Own Fireworks

While we have been locked in the house by this outrageous heat, DG got a bee in his bonnet to take a stab at making his own simulated fireworks.

Here is what he came up with.


Um. Not quite sure what to say.

Baby steps, DG, baby steps.

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It’s So Hot …

It’s so hot…

Chorus: How hot is it?

It’s so hot that we had a cookout yesterday and didn’t have to turn on the grill.

Yeah, it's that hot

It’s so hot…

Chorus: How hot is it?

It’s so hot that we are drinking hot coffee to cool off.

Ya. It's that hot.

It’s so hot…

Chorus: How hot is it?

It’s so hot that the thermometer is showing a temperature higher than DG’s IQ.

What did you mean by that?

It’s so hot…

Chorus: How hot is it?

Still figuring out what you meant by that crack.


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DG is Overheated

DG is really complaining about this heat wave.

DG Sweating

I can only imagine the complaining if he actually left the air conditioned house and went outside.

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Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July. In celebration of the day, I have reprised and enhanced my digital fireworks display.*

The major enhancement is that I have added audio to the fireworks, so turn on the sound and hear the booms.


*No actual fireworks were harmed in the making of this video. All of this is digitally simulated.

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