Table & Chairs

Our new table and chairs were delivered today. They had to bolt the legs onto the table, so it spent some time on its back on the floor.

Belly upBut then we noticed that our table is signed on the bottom. You can barely see it in the photo above. Here is a closeup.

SignatureThe table and chairs are solid cherry wood. The table was made entirely by a single craftsman. It looks like the chairs might have been made by several different craftsmen.

We also received our stools for the peninsula. The stools are solid maple. You can see the table and chairs and stools in the photo below.

Table, chairs & chairsThe stools were made in Canada. Here is another view.

Another viewWe chose those chairs because of the lumbar support provided by the recurve in the backs of the chairs. They are really comfortable. That will certainly make it difficult to get up from the table.

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The plants are in the house.

PlantsWell, not all of the plants are in the house. But some of the plants are in.

The final touches are done on the upper cabinets. A small molding has been added around the bottoms of the upper cabinets to provide cover for the under cabinet lights.

MoldingHey, look! More plants.

Here is a closeup of the molding.

CloseupIt looks nice. If you look closely, you can see the tendrils of the plant creeping up toward the electric sockets. They are taking over already. Spooky.

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We have ice!

No, not outside, even though it is cold enough for that. We have ice inside!

IceInside of the freezer… the automatic ice maker is working. We have never had an automatic ice maker before. Look at that! Ice! And we didn’t even have to crack ’em out of cheap, plastic (broken) ice cube trays!

Here’s another view.


If you think about it long enough, I guess it’s a little weird to build a tight, insulated house so we can heat it to keep out the ice and then put into the house a tight, insulated box and keep it cold so we can make ice in it.

I guess we better not think about it too long. We have ice. And doorknobs. Here is a view of the entry doors into our Den.

DoorsPretty nice! That is the view as you come in the front door. Two 15-light French doors. Classy!

Oh, and the bathroom mirrors are in. Here is one.

MirrorThe mirror tilts up and down on those two pivot points, so people who are vertically challenged in different ways can center their faces on the mirror. I picked those out myself. Here is a straight on view:

Full FrontalWell, I guess that didn’t work out too well.

Posted in Cheap Philosophy, House Project | 2 Comments

New Details

I was over at the house this evening, and there are new details to report.

The shower fixtures are in.

ShowerThe mantel is around the fireplace.

MantelThe refrigerator has been installed.

RefrigeratorThat old stove has been put in.

StoveIt doesn’t look too bad. We took that stove out of that other house. We can replace it later if we find something that we like better. For now, it works and we know how to use it.

The fan blades have been turned over and look wood-colored.

FanThe electric panel is finally done! Look at all that stuff!

PanelThe Transfer Switch is at the top left. Look! Labels!

The Firematic valve has been put on the oil tank.

FirematicLastly, the lamp pole has been installed by the walkway.

Lamp PostThat is all for tonight.

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Some more of the fixtures went in today. The lights in the living room / dining area have been installed.

Living/DiningWhen they are lit up they give off a very warm light.

LitThe fancy light in the reading room has also been put up.

ReadingWe thought that it would provide an “Old World” look to the room dedicated to books. It makes interesting patterns on the ceiling when it is on.

OnThe Den will be the “Cave Room”, away from the hustle and bustle of the world. The TV has been banned from the Den. Only quiet pursuits will be allowed……….. oh…….. and my banjo playing…. but then, nothing’s perfect.

The fan has been installed in the sun room.

FanIt also has lights.

Fan onThey were supposed to put the wood grain side of the blades down, but they put the plain black sides down instead. Maybe we can get the guys to turn them over.

Last, but not least is our track light over the peninsula.

TrackIt is stunning when the lights are on.

Track onThere are other lights, but I am out of time. Just a couple of other things to mention. The dishwasher and kitchen faucet are in.

KitchenAnd the outside sill cocks have been installed.

Sill CockThat is a “freeze proof” sill cock by the way. It is self-draining. All we have to do to winterize it is to turn it off and disconnect the hose. Ask me some day to explain how that works.

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Floor Stink

I did not go over to the house tonight because they put the last coat of urethane varnish on the floors today, and I am told that it really stinks in there. If you want to experience first hand the kind of stink I am talking about, just scratch the spot below:

Scratch n' Sniff

OK. If you really did scratch that spot on your monitor……… get help.

Posted in House Project | 5 Comments

Counter Tops

As promised, the counter tops arrived today. These are Cambria® counter tops, which are a manufactured quartz product. They are made of crushed quartz with some pigments and resin added to hold it together. Since the quartz is not porous like granite, they do not need to be sealed and molly-coddled like granite, just used. They are made in the good ol’ U. S. of A. (LeSueur, Minnesota). The color of our counter tops is “Bradford”.

Because they are made mostly of stone, they are very heavy, so it was quite a chore to install them. I will let the photos speak for themselves.

Here’s the sink hole.

Sink hole

And here’s a man who really gets into his work!

Counter DiveSlicing off a piece of stone makes a bit of dust.

DustThe biggest piece is the peninsula, which is 9 feet long.

PeninsulaThey wrassled it up the front steps.

Front Steps… and into the kitchen….

Kitchenwhere they glued it down to our gorgeous legs.

DoneSo here is a quick tour of the kitchen as it is now. The stove goes here.

StoveHere is the view out of the kitchen window over the sink.

ViewOur stone wall is still there, chipmunks and all. We will move the paving blocks out of view next Spring. They will be used for some creative landscaping later.

Looking into the kitchen from the dining area, here is what we see.

From Dining AreaA slightly different view, showing where the refrigerator will go (on the right).

Fridge HoleAnd finally, looking toward the dining area from the kitchen floor.

Dining AreaThe dishwasher goes in the hole next to the sink.

I guess the appliances go in next. Or maybe the track lights… or the faucet. I’m not sure. Wow! It’s like Christmas in December!……… um……….. well… OK……… that gag didn’t work.

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I am sorry, but I have been forced to add a CAPTCHA to the comments page of my blog. The word, CAPTCHA stands for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.”

It is a simple test that you must pass before you can post a comment on the blog.  All you have to do is read a number on the comment page that looks something like this.

CAPTCHA Exampleand then enter the number into the field provided on the comment form. If you cannot read the number, no worries. Just click on the button that looks like this:

Get a new numberand a new number will be generated. Heck, you may find that it is more fun just to click on the button and see the weird numbers go by than it is to read the blog. I can do that for hours. Hey! A child of the 60’s. What can I say?

Anyway, the test is easy for humans to solve and difficult for computers to solve. Since most of the SPAM comments are created by computers, this simple test will cut down on the amount of time I have to spend deleting SPAM and will allow me more time to come up with incredibly witty comments for my blog.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Please feel free to leave a comment about it on the blog if you can’t figure it out………. except ……… you will have to do the CAPTCHA to do that….. so never mind.

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Back to the House

I have spent too much time lately ranting about the Fallapartment. Hopefully that is all behind us now, and I can stop doing that and get back to the house.

Well, OK I lied. The wheel on the sliding door of the closet fell off and dropped the door onto the floor.

WheelOK. Enough about that. Back to the house.

The reason that I have not blogged about the house recently is that I have not been over there since Tuesday. They were putting down the urethane varnish on the floor, and the fumes were stifling. It is dry now, and here are some photos:

Living roomLiving room.




It’s all shiny and new. There are two coats of urethane on the floors now. After the painters and plumbers are done they are going to put a third coat on. Then, the floors will be done.

In other developments, the toilets are completely installed.

ToiletAnd to answer that most important question… yes… they do flush..  yay…


They have not been given the ultimate, final test yet because…. well there aren’t any doors on the bathrooms. Soon.

The faucets and drains are connected in the vanities.

VanityAnd they actually work as well.

WaterOn Monday the kitchen counters arrive. Stay tuned.

Posted in House Project | 1 Comment

New Meaning

Today’s adventure gives new meaning to the term, “Fallapartment“. When my wife came home this afternoon, this thing was waiting for her in the driveway.

Old boardIt evidently had fallen off of the house in the wind, because there are no other buildings near the driveway, so it must have come from the Fallapartment.

So the Fallapartment, is quite literally, falling apart.

Hey! Got nails?

Nails!The result of driving over the unseen board was predictable.

FlatYep. A flat tire. And here is the little bugger that did it.

NailThe rumor is we get to keep the nail as a special souvenir of the Fallapartment. Perhaps we can have it framed as a reminder not to ever do this ever again.

I tried turning the tire over and running it on the round side, but that didn’t work. So I had to swap it out for the spare…. in the dark…. in the rain…. uphill both ways…. no …. wait… that’s a different story. Anyway, I’m too old for this sh….. stuff.

Of course, the spare tire was flat…. and the jack was seized up. But we persevered and pumped up the spare and oiled the jack and got it done. The car is sitting nicely on its donut spare. Tomorrow we have an appointment at the shop to get the real tire fixed.

And now I have two questions.

  1. How much is this going to cost us?
  2. Can we get away with deducting it from the next rent check?
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