
We recently noticed that the polywogs have hatched in the local creek. So we trudged down there today with some buckets and captured a few of them.

TankIt turns out that the old aquarium that we used to raise polywogs in years ago seems to have survived the house project. It is cracked, but fairly intact, so we put a rock in it and some pond water and the polywogs. You can see some of them in the closeup below.

TadpolesPretty cool. I will see if I can get some photos of them after they frog. Polywogs keep you young.

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Got Rocks?

For those of you who have not yet heard my “Oh my achin’ back” lament, we dug up the front garden last weekend and put in some plants. The landscaper wanted an arm and a leg to do the job, so we sacrificed our backs instead and did it ourselves.

We pulled some rocks out of the ground.

Some rocksYes. All of those rocks came out of that garden. The rocks that came out of the garden on the other side of the steps have already been hauled to the back. Some of the largest rocks have been repurposed in a decorative manner.

RepurposedThat’s not my work. The younger man in the house found the energy to schlep those things back into the garden. I went back in the house and searched for the liniment.

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Skynet Fridge

Our new refrigerator has a really nifty Control Center on the front of the freezer door. It is over the ice and water dispenser.

Control CenterThis is the new, high tech way of controlling a refrigerator, not just a couple of thumb wheels inside the door.

Zooming in on the Control Panel, you can see that it has nifty icons with push buttons to do things like set the temperature and set whether or not you want the ice to be crushed or whole.

Control PanelBut, looking closer, something spooky has shown up recently. Look at the upper right corner of the display.

What?Our fridge is giving us commands? That is a pretty terse demand! It doesn’t sound like a request to me! I haven’t seen anything like that since Audry said “Feed me!“. Our appliances are giving us orders! Has the takeover by Skynet begun in earnest?

And what are those blood-red drops going into the tank below the demand? It looks like blood to me! Is that a threat? What happens if we don’t “order filter“?

Spooky, hunh?

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It rained all day today. So I spent most of the day down in the basement in my shop. I built this saw horse:

HorseI bought the brackets for the saw horse about 30 years ago. Yeah, thirty years ago. I’m a bit behind in the projects. The 2 x 4’s that are required to build it were not included, just the plastic brackets, so the box of parts went into the garage to be made into a saw horse when I got a round tuit…. and then they sat there for 30 years.

Every time I came across the box of parts I thought, “Gee. I ought to get some wood and build that saw horse”. But we all know about good intentions.

However…..  since it was going to rain all day today anyway, and I will need a saw horse for a project I am going to do soon, I went to the Big Box Home Improvement store and procured 12 feet of 2 x 4 and then cut away everything that didn’t look like  a saw horse.

It’s not exactly Chippendale fine furniture, but it came out rather nicely I think.

I wonder why they call it a “horse”?

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The backsplash tiles behind the stove were installed today.

BacksplashLooks pretty good.

Ignore all the little wedgie things sticking out. They are there temporarily to hold the tiles in place while the glue dries.

They remind me of a dental project I was involved in once.

Grout and sealant tomorrow.

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Downside of the Garage

Having the garage is great, don’t get me wrong, and I am not complaining, but there is a downside as well.

This stick…

Stickhas been in the back seat of the Rav now for over a month… ever since we took the Christmas Tree to the dump in the car.

When I get out of the car and see it again, I think “I better get rid of that stick, but I don’t want to dump it out in the garage and I’m too tired to take it outside. I will do it later”.

Then I forget.

Later becomes the next time I see it in the garage. If I were still parking the car on the driveway I would have just hucked the stick into the woods by now.

So, that is the downside of having a garage.

I think that is the only downside to having a garage.

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Nothing to Blog

Maybe it is a good weekend when there is nothing to blog about. Did some shopping. Hung out on the patio. Grilled on the new grill. It’s all good.

Happy Mother’s Day to all…. especially to the Moms.

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I had an interesting conversation over the weekend. I have a T-Mobile prepaid cell phone that I use on occasion as a backup phone. I have to put minutes on it every 3 months or all of the stored minutes expire and I lose every dime I have put into it that has not been used up. Since I don’t use the phone much, I now have about 600 minutes on the darn thing, and I have to keep adding to it so I won’t lose those minutes.

See how the game is played?

So I bought the obligatory $10 card and called the automated, incorporeal, computer support ghost to add the minutes to the account. I picked up the phone and entered the 800 number to call, whereon I was told to enter the phone number of the cell phone, which I did, and then the number from the $10 card, which I did. Here is what the robot said.


A moment of panic there.

So, quick like a bunny I called up their support line and heard.

Para español presione el número dos

I didn’t want to speak Spanish, but no alternative number was given, so I waited.

Long delay.


This phone call may be recorded to assure quality of service.”


Long delay.

Then, I was ordered to enter my cell phone number again, which I did.

Long delay.

For that phone please contact our prepaid phone support. I will transfer you.”


Long delay.

Para español presione el número dos

Nope. I still don’t want to speak Spanish.

I wait.

Long delay.

This phone call may be recorded to assure quality of service.”


Long delay.

( by this time I had logged into the online account and seen that the minutes had, indeed been added to the account. False alarm. But I decided to tell them about their software bug anyway because it was pretty scary).

Hello. This is <mumble> how may I help you?

Why is it that <mumble> always answers the help line when I call?

I just added $10 to my prepaid account cell phone and the automated voice told me that the account had zero minutes on it.

What is your PIN?”

What PIN? All I have is the phone number.”

You have to give me the PIN to verify who you are.

I don’t remember a PIN. Is it the same as the password on the web page?

No it is a PIN. I cannot give you information about the account without the PIN.”

I don’t remember having a PIN. OK…. try….. < I gave a PIN I have used in the past as a wild guess>

Good! You have matched the PIN.”

<wow… that was hard>

How may I help you?

I just added $10 to my prepaid account cell phone and the automated voice told me that the account has zero minutes on it.

Your account has 634 minutes on it, Sir.”

Yes, but the automated voice told me that it had zero minutes on it after I added the $10.

That would be incorrect, Sir.

Yes, I know. I have logged into the web page and seen that. But I thought that I would tell you about it so you can report the problem. Do you have a way of reporting software problems?

Oh, no. That would be confusing.


Yes, Sir. That would confuse people.

I see. It would confuse people.

Yes, Sir. Is there anything else I can do for you today?

< bite my tongue >

No thanks. I just wanted to confirm that the minutes were added to the account.

Thank you, have a nice day.

And so I did…..

T-Mobile logo Thumbs Down
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Grill O’ My Dreams

It’s an old joke, but I could not help myself.

We pulled the trigger on a new grill for the new patio. We opted for a nice Weber this time.

Pretty grillThis one is not a piece of junk like the previous one was (I hope). Here is the business part on the inside:

InsideStainless. ‘Nuff said.

Here she is in action.

YumWe got that at steak Greg’s place, cut to order. It was spectacular.

Greg's Thumbs Up
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We were just over at the Fallapartment for a final sweep to find any belongings we might have left behind, and we found that the Old Girl is getting a facelift. Check this out:

DrivewayThat old, cracked, dangerous concrete driveway is gone and replaced by this brand new, smooth asphalt one……. and prettified by some new bushes and trees as well.

And inside, the bent and corroded fuel line from the oil tank to the burner has been replaced with a new, modern one.

Oil lineThe rotting junk that was in that smelly basement has also been removed and discarded.

CleanWhen we lived there, the basement floor had huge chunks of concrete on it that made the floor lumpy and hazardous to walk on. They have chiseled that all away and smoothed it out. They have even replaced the non-functioning light fixture in one of the bedrooms with a new one that works.

Working lightShe is getting all prettied up for her next tenant!

No. Wait! On closer inspection,  it appears that one of the pieces of that new light fixture has already fallen off.

OopsHA! There’s a spark in the Old Girl yet!

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