More Beer

The second batch of beer is in the bottles. I got 50 bottles out of this batch, and this time I posed them for a formal portrait before allowing them to skitter away to their crates.

Formal PortraitYou can count ’em if you want to.

The empty bottles in the back were scrubbed and sanitized along with the rest, but then I ran out of beer before they got filled.

Poor, empty bottles. Always a beer’s-maid; never a beer.

They’ll get over it.

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Beer Tasting

Tonight we popped a couple of the beers out of the first batch to see how it is coming along, and the results are in:

Beer Thumbs Up

It will still be a couple of weeks before it is completely ready to drink, but it has not gone sour in the bottles.

Beer joy.

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Happy Beer 2

The next batch of beer is now bubbling happily in the carboy. I put up a batch of Honey Porter yesterday. This one has two pounds of honey in it instead of just one, so it is bubbling even faster than the previous one.

Well, I think it is bubbling faster than the previous one. But you can judge for yourself. You know the drill. Click on the bucket to hear the beer.


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It is nearly a week later, and the beer is sleeping quietly in the basement under its blanket.

ZzzzzzThe thing sitting on top is a min/max thermometer which I use to monitor the temperature of the beer as it matures. We have to keep it warm enough, and we also have to keep it in the dark to keep it from skunking. In a week or so we will wake it up to see how it came out.

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99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall

Well, actually, it’s 51 bottles of beer…. and they aren’t on the wall, but on the counter. Today I put the baby beer into the bottles so that it can mature into grown up beer. Here they are.

99?Well, OK. That isn’t all 51 bottles either since I didn’t remember to shoot the photo until after half of them were already put away. But you get the idea.

Want to see what is left in the carboy after the beer has been bottled?


Here’s a closeup in case you still have your lunch.


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Air Lock

The first week of fermentation is done. The bubble activity has become quiet and civilized, so I have replaced the large hose and bucket with a simple air lock.

AirlockThe baby beer is now making teenie little baby bubbles, so a regular air lock will suffice for releasing the CO2. The beer looks like it is smiling, but it is really just gas.

CloseupThe air lock lets the gas out of the carboy, and keeps the air out of the carboy at the same time. Letting oxygen into the beer at this stage will make it go sour.

One more week of fermenting, and we will put it into the bottles.

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Happy Beer

You can tell that the baby beer is happy because of the burbling sounds that it makes in the bucket.

Click on the photo of the bucket to hear the happy beer.


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It has been brought to my attention by more than one reader of this blog that in the image posted with my previous entry there is an unfortunate juxtaposition of the beer brewing equipment with some toilet plungers… which are visible in the background.

The implication is that this might result in some…… uh… crappy beer.

But one must remember that this brewing is happening in our new house, in which the floors are not coming up and the toilets do flush, so those maintenance tools remain unused. They are probably cleaner than the step stool sitting next to the carboy since that item is walked upon nearly daily and picks up whatever cruft happens to be stuck to the bottoms of one’s shoes. Hence any problem with contamination of the beer is avoided and we do not need to make a stink about it.

Hmmmm. Maybe I should move that step stool somewhere else.

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I have put up my first batch of home brewed beer since we moved into the new house. It is now sitting in the broom closet waiting for the yeast to wake up and get to work.

BeerThe beer is in the glass carboy under the blanket on the right. The large hose goes from the top of the carboy into the bucket of water that serves as a giant airlock. The blanket keeps the beer dark and warm while the yeast does its magic. The very large hose keeps us from getting beer snork on the ceiling when this thing takes off.

I used to know how to do this with my eyes closed in our old kitchen, but it took a while to figure out where everything goes in the new kitchen. In the end, it was certainly easier to brew in the new space than it was in the House From Hell (HFH).

So, we do brew, do you? (sorry, that just spewed out).

New Kitchen Thumbs Up

If all goes well, the beer goes into the bottles two weeks from today.

Our fingers are crossed ( which makes it difficult to drink beer, so we will uncross them in a couple of weeks ).

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A Bell

Well, a picture of a bell anyway. I finally got around to painting again. I wanted to see if I could do a spontaneous painting in one sitting. The result was a painting of an old bell we have lying around. Check it out on my web page:

The Old Bell

I am leaving right after I finish typing this to mail my entry form for the Fall Show. Now I must find a frame.

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