Oops! I Jinxed it!

I guess my previous, cocky post jinxed the weather. Oh well, the Augernaut finally had an opportunity for some action.

Action!It started on one pull, and went right out of the garage into the … um…. “snow”…. er.. dusting.


The only problem was that it was all over in 10 minutes. I think we are using a sledge hammer to drive a tack.

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Enjoying the Weather?

It is January 15… the middle of January in New England… and we have had no measurable snow so far. You can thank the Augernaut for that.

AugernautIt is sitting in the garage, brand new, pristine clean, pining away.

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Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all of my readers.

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Fat Squirrel

I guess we are not the only ones who had a great Christmas. The local squirrels seem to have done OK for themselves as well. Look at this porker!

Fat SqirrelThat guy needs an emergency New Years Resolution fer sure.

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Merry Christmas

.. to all. Hope yours was as good as ours.

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Happy Anniversary

Today marks the one year anniversary of moving into our new house.

Over this last year we have seen blizzards, ice dams, heat waves, and monsoon rains, and the old girl is still standing tall and straight.

Kudos to our architect and builder and all the subcontractors who made it possible. Thanks to all of our friends who helped us stay glued together during the ordeal.

New House Thumbs Up
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Beer today

Gone tomorrow!

We popped a couple of beers tonight to enjoy with the chili we made.

EmptiesThis is the Amber Ale that we bottled on October 30, so it is exactly 7 weeks old today.

It was a notable event because the beer has finally smoothed out. It has come into its own, and is better than “just drinkable”. The harshness from the hops that was evident at the previous tasting is gone. It has a small head, and lots of tiny bubbles. It was still clear after a couple of hours in the fridge ( no chill haze ) and a lovely amber color.

Yay. A good batch for the holidays.

The Honey Porter is two weeks younger than this one, so watch this space for a review in a few weeks.

Now everybody get back to cooking and shopping.

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Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all.


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Remember that Elephant Ear plant we had last Summer? Here is a memory refresher.

Elephant EarWell, it has gone dormant, so we cut it off and de-potted it for the Winter. There was a surprise when it came out of the pot.

TriffidWe only planted one bulb, but there were two of them in the pot. It is reproducing. Pretty scary.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my readers.

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We finally took delivery on our bookcases last week. We had these finished the same color as the kitchen cabinets, and they came out very nice.


BookcaseThese are Arthur W. Brown bookcases, made in the U. S. of A. and delivered, unfinished, to our local outlet who put the finish on them. Here is a link:


Arthur Brown Thumbs Up
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