Happy Birthday

Spring has sprung.

The grass is riz’

I wonder how the mower is.

Our old Snapper mower still runs, but it is getting a bit long in the tooth, so I was pondering whether I could keep it going for another season, or should I trade it in for something younger. So I was going through our box of user manuals looking for information about it, and I ran across the invoice from the purchase of the device. Check out the date:

Yikes! As of last Friday our old Snapper is 27 years old! And it still runs….. (with encouragement).

I also found the user manual and looked in it to see about maintenance. Here is a snippet about blade maintenance from the manual:

Keeping that picture in mind, take a look at the blade that I took off the mower:

Yikes! How far beyond “C Dangerous” can you go in 27 years? That is a whale of a notch! Looks like Moby Dick! I think it might be time to turn this part in for a newer one anyway.

So, where do you go to find a blade for a 27 year old Snapper lawn mower? After a few internet searches, I found:


They not only had a new blade to fit it….. it was in stock. I ordered it and had the blade in less than a week. Can such things be?

On Saturday I put it on the mower:

And there you go. Check out the nice, square ends:

A new spark plug and some new oil, and we are good for another 27 years.

Happy Birthday, Snapper. They don’t make ’em like you any more.

Snapper logo Thumbs Up
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You Asked!

Well, you probably didn’t ask, but one of my readers actually did ask. Really.

A couple of weeks ago I made a towel rack for our new kitchen. There was no place to hang the dish towels to dry, a problem that we did not anticipate when we designed the kitchen. The oven door is way too busy to have dish towels hanging on it. We got tired of tossing them on top of the microwave or spreading them out on the counter.

In our old kitchen with the crappy plywood cabinets…. the one that is now in Maine…. we just screwed a dime store towel rack to one of the doors and called it done. That wasn’t going to happen to our new, maple cabinets.

So, I designed and built a towel rack out of some oak that I bought at one of the Big Box stores. To make a long story short ( too late!) one of my readers asked if I was going to blog a photo of it. C’mon! It’s a towel rack! But there it was…. there was the request… “Gonna make an entry in your blog?

Well, I hate to insult my readers with such drivel….. well… actually, I kind of enjoy insulting my readers with such drivel…. never mind.

So, without further ado…… drum roll…. here is a photo of our new towel rack.

Towel RackYeah. You’re right. There probably are some Brady Bunch reruns on the T.V.



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A Tire by the Tale

I just lost an argument with a tire, and here is the tale.

The tire went flat, so I took it to the shop to get it fixed. I knew it was flat because the idiot light on the dash panel came on. The idiot light looks like this:

When this light comes on, it means…. you have a flat tire. I doesn’t tell you which one.

If your car was made in 2007 or later, you have one of these in your car, because that was mandated by the Federal Government in 2000. The indicator is turned on by the Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS) which allows each wheel to report its tire pressure to the main computer in the car. The Department of Transportation mandated, in the Transportation Recall Enhancement, Accountability, and Documentation (TREAD) Act of 2000 that all cars built from 2007 onward must have this system installed. Its intent was to keep you safe from flat tires.


The way it works is that each tire has one of these in it:

That device replaces the old rubber tire valve. It has a battery and a pressure measuring device, and a radio that sends the pressure reading to the car’s central computer.

OK. So what?

So what is that my flat tire was caused by the TPMS tire valve leaking air. So, the device that was mandated into my car to save my life has caused me to drive around on a flat tire. Joy.

At least it told me about it, right? Small favors.

Here is the back story. The TPMS system was mandated based on the supposition that it would be very inexpensive, and for the cost, it would save lives. It was a no-brainer. The cost, estimated by the Department of Transportation is quoted thus:

“NHTSA estimates that the cost of a direct TPMS that will meet the four-tire, 25 percent compliance option will be $70.35 per vehicle, if the manufacturer chooses to install an individual tire pressure display. This includes $7.50 for each tire pressure sensor ($30 per vehicle), $19 for the control module, $3.85 for an individual tire pressure display, $6 for four valves, and $11.50 for the combination of an instrument panel telltale, assembly, and miscellaneous wiring.”

If you don’t believe me, here is a link to the actual document where they discuss cost,

Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems; Controls and Displays: Costs

And if you are a glutton for punishment, here is a link to the whole document:

Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems; Controls and Displays


BTW, they did not choose to install an individual tire pressure display, but chose the idiot light instead. Joy.

Back to the Tire Tale, I had to get the valve replaced. The government estimate quoted above is the Ivory Tower version. Here is the reality, on the invoice from my mechanic.

Can you read it? $128.74. For one (1) valve! Just the valve! Since there are 5 of these valves on the Rav4 (one in the spare tire as well), that adds up to $643.70 for one vehicle….. and that is just for the valves.

Oh, and the batteries are not replaceable on the valves. Rumor is that you will get about 5 years out of a battery and then you have to….. you guessed it…. replace the entire valve. So in 5 or so years you will take a hit of $643.70 plus installation cost to replace them all.

Thanks, Toyota.

Toyota logo Thumbs Down

Oh, and one last departing shot…. I have had to replace three of these out of the five so far in the 6 years I have owned the car, all of them leaking air. I have two more to look forward to. I can’t wait.

Sorry if I sound grumpy, but I was kept up all night by the false alarms from my Federally Mandated Hard-wired Battery-backed Malfunctioning Smoke Alarm system… ( a different blog entry ).

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Is anybody still reading this blog?

Wow! It has been a while since I posted anything. Been busy.

Red letter day today… no… not A … just a milestone of sorts. For over a year now, I have been trying to learn how to bend wood so I can make a banjo hoop. I have made a lot of kindling and sawdust, but for the first time today I put together something that looks like a banjo hoop. Look here:

HoopI bent that wood myself. It is maple. It is held together with shiny brass screws too. Here’s another look:

ShardsThat other thing is the bending jig I invented to bend the wood. In the background you can see some of my failed attempts. But now things are looking up. Can fame and fortune be far behind?

Well OK. Maybe not. I got carried away by the moment.

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Latest Landscaping

Here is the latest landscaping addition to the new digs.

BenchA nice, cozy place to sit and stare at the wall.

No, wait. I think you are supposed to face the other way.

Happy Easter, everybody.

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Old Bottle

I have made a new painting with thoughts of showing it this Spring. It is a painting of an old bottle with some rocks in it. This bottle has nothing to do with Manhattans, even though it is on the rocks. Here is a thumbnail of it:

Old Bottle With RocksTo see the whole thing, check it out on my web page by clicking on, http://www.thekimerers.net/brian/art/oldbottlewithrocks.shtml

Wadda ya think? Show? No show? Go back to the Manhattans?

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That’s better

ManhattanYes. Much better. Cheers.

Hmmm. Tastes a bit like crabgrass.

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We have triffids. They are everywhere.

This morning I went out and procured some new glassware to enhance our collection. I set the new glasses down by the sink for washing,  and went away for an hour or so. When I came back, this is what I found.

Not a ManhattanBe afraid.

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Stereo Table

Our new table for the stereo has arrived. We set it up in the living room and put our old stereo equipment on it. The table is a beauty, custom made in New Hampshire by Dan Klardie Mfg.

TableThe remotes and instructions go in the drawers and out of sight.

How old is the stereo? We bought the CD player and receiver in 1995. The speakers are Heathkit speakers that I built in 1970. And the rabbit ears that are in use for the FM antenna…. well… those used to be our TV antenna, but we could only get “Leave It To Beaver” reruns using them, so they have been demoted to radio work.

Dan Klardie custom made furniture is available from Certainly Wood, the same place we bought our bookcases.

Certainly Wood Thumbs Up
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This old computer was dying again, so we had to do some major surgery on it. We replaced the old Mother Board (MOBO), the part on which all the other parts are mounted, with a new one. Here is a post-mortem portrait of the old MOBO.

MOBOThe round thing next to it is the old ( broken ) heat sink, which broke when we put it on that board because the holes in the MOBO were not in the right place. Also, the thermal sensor did not work, the RJ-45 internet connection had stopped working, and the SATA disk ports were throwing errors causing the computer to stop working at random times.

Hint: Note the logo, and stay a way from Foxconn parts.

Foxconn Thumbs Down

We replaced it with an Asus MOBO, which appears to be working fine.

Asus Thumbs Up

Aren’t you glad you asked?


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