Almost Done

We had another rainy day today, so I disappeared into my drawings. They are almost done.


I need to make a few refinements to them, and then I can take them to the framer.

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More Progress

It was a gloriously rainy weekend, so I disappeared into the basement and made some more progress on my drawings.

More done

Not done yet, but we are getting there.

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My Admiral FitzRoy storm glass has gone nuts. Look at this:


After being mostly clear all Summer, those crystals have climbed all the way up. I have never seen the crystals so high in the glass. The drought is over!

What? You don’t remember what this is? See my post on July 28, 2013

Storm Glass

For a more careful analysis of the crystals, here is a closer view:


You can clearly see that at the top there are clouds and slanty streaks of rain coming out of them… and then look down to the swirling stuff in the middle, which indicates there will be puddling on the ground and rising rivers and ponds, and then on down into the cacophony (I like that word) of stubble toward the ground, which indicates a good saturation and future smiling trees.

OK. Laugh if you want to. Is it finally raining outside or not?

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I made some progress on my latest P&I (that’s artist talk for Pen & Ink) drawings.


There is still a bunch of cross hatching to do, but these are on their way. If I can find time to work on them over the next couple of weeks, they might be done in time to have them framed for the show in November.

Here is the big one, all framed in a nice, professional frame.


That’s a crappy, keystoned photo, but hey, it’s hanging in a skinny little hallway. You can see a better photo of this drawing on my Art Page.

Simply click on the big box in the middle of the page to see the drawing. If you keep clicking over and over again on the image in the box, you will be delighted (or bored) over and over again by numerous paintings done by me.

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Someone found this spud in the potato bag,


and then drew a face on it. Here is the other side

Other side

And then, someone actually gave it a name, “Hairy Pete”.

Do I need to mention that this did not end up in the dinner tonight? There’s no telling what could be in that ink.

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The drawing is done. Here is a photo.


There is a larger copy of this image on my web page if you want to go there and zoom in on it. The photo does not do the drawing justice because the camera does not have the resolution necessary to pick up all the details.

On to my next adventure. I think I might brew some more beer soon.

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I spent a few hours on my drawing again today. I made a bit of progress… and without any especially bad spills.


It looks like I am about 2/3 done with this now. Of course, I didn’t do all of this today. That picture is the result of three weeks of work. This is slow stuff.

Being close to getting done means that the pressure is on to avoid turning over the ink bottle on top of it.

Don’t laugh. I’ve done it…. during a demo… with people watching…. and then with people helping me clean up the mess. It was embarrassing.

OK. To add a little color to this post, here is a photo of our Black Eyed Susans trying to take over the world again.


There. That’s better.

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Here is my latest art project.


That is a pen and ink drawing that is 18 inches by 24 inches in size. That’s pretty huge for a pen and ink drawing. If you look really closely (squint) you can see that most of the paper is covered with the pencil drawing. Very ambitious. I have just started to put down the ink.

The dark circle at the top of the sheet is a dime. The pen I am using is next to the dime. See the nib on that pen? Of course not. It’s too small. Here’s a closeup.

The Nib

Pretty tiny hunh? I will cover that entire 18 by 24 inch sheet using that nib.

Well, maybe it won’t be that very same nib. Early on, I dropped another one on the floor. It now looks like this:


Here’s another view.


Yikes. Pretty delicate. I didn’t even step on it.

That picture also describes my nerves after I have done a few hours on the drawing.

Stay tuned (but don’t hold your breath – this will take a while)

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In the Spring, we get tadpoles and feed them until they turn into toads. Yep. We still do that. We released about a hundred of them this Summer.

This toad showed up in the yard, and is probably one of our rescues from past years, grown fat.

Warts N All

To give you a sense of the size of this toad, the pipe he is defending is a 1 1/2 inch pipe. He appears to have made a home in there.

Unfortunately for Mr. Toad, the pipe is connected to our sump pump, which has been quiescent during the recent drought. When the pump finally does go off, I will try to have the camera ready to capture what happens to Mr. Toad.

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One of these things…

This year, our front yard is a sea of white clover again.



One of these things is not like the others. Can you spot it? It’s right in the middle of the picture.

No? Here’s a closer look.


See it now? Still no? OK. Here’s closer again.

See it?

Ya gotta see it in that picture! Where did that red guy come from?


Handsome flower, though.

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