Don’tcha Just Love Mondays?

I used to ask that question of my exhausted co-commuters at 6:00 a.m. as we stood on an open, frozen platform headed back to another week, waiting for another late train.

Don’tcha just Love Mondays? Mondays are my favorite day! What would we do without Mondays?

Hint: They saw no humor in it. Do not try this at home.

So, now that I am retired, here is my Monday commute. Down the stairs.


Around the corner.


Ta daaaa! Done!


Don’t worry. You’ll get there (don’t wish your life away).

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Big Ass Knife in Action

I made a couple of pizzas to munch while the Patriots played the Texans. That gave me an opportunity to try out my Big Ass Knife on my new Big Ass Cutting Board. Here are the results.

It works

Yum. Here is a closeup.


OK. Now I’m getting hungry. I’m heading over to the fridge to see if there were any leftovers.

Go Pats.

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Spring Cleaning

OK. Spring Cleaning is a stretch. But is was warm today, so I took advantage of the January thaw to clean out the birdhouse.

First, I took it down and took the side off of it.

Open, says me

I designed the birdhouse using brass screws so that I can do this. Here is what the Chickadees left inside.


Here’s a closer view.


Looks soft and comfy. I don’t know if it smelled bad or not, because I was wearing a dust mask and rubber gloves. You can’t be too careful.

After cleaning out the nest, I put the side back onto the house.

Closed up

You can see the gloves and mask in the photo. Birds can carry some nasty stuff, so protection is a good idea.

Finally, I put it back up on the pole…. ready for Spring.

Back up

We are hoping that they will join us again. They are very entertaining. Even during the Winter, the birds come back and look in there on occasion…. probably checking to see if Housekeeping has been by yet.

They never leave a tip.

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Big Ass Knife

One of my Christmas presents was this Big Ass Knife for cutting pizzas.

This 'Ere's a Knife

That thing is Huge! I will be able to section one of my home made pizzas in seconds using that knife.

The problem is that I did not have anything big enough to put the pizza on in order to cut it. I mumbled about just cutting it on the counter top, but I was told “No”.

Or maybe that was more like “NO“!


I set up an Old Retired Guy project to make something to use my knife on. Then, I disappeared into the basement shop for a few days.

Here is what I came up with.

Cutting Board

That is one Big Ass Cutting Board! Now I need to make some pizzas to see how it works.

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Look! This blog won a trophy!

Snail Trophy

Well. OK.

I made it up.

But it will look nice on the desk anyway.

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Happy New Year!



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I worked hard, and I got tired.

So I worked harder.

Then, I got tired again.

So that makes me… re-tired.

So I stopped.

We shall see if that allows me more time to add to this blog.

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The Buoys and Gulls got framed.


They look nice. These are going into the Fall Show next week.

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With the nights turning cold, and the danger of frost in the morning, we have harvested most of the last of the veggies from the garden. It is a motley crew fer sure.


The carrots are a special, miniature type. They sort of turned out stubby and funny-looking. I mean, look at this one.

PantsIt looks like a pair of pantaloons!

Har har!

You can make ’em dance. La la….



Hey! Don’t play with your food!

HA! Ya think?! Look at this!

Snoop Dog!



*Snoopy humor credit goes to Danielle.

** Really. D did it. Not my kind of humor.


****Not my fault.

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I finished the two buoy drawings today. For better or worse, here they are.


Gulls And Buoys

Buoys And Gulls

Buoys And Gulls

Devil made me do it.

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