D. A. A. D.

Dead As A Doornail.

R.I.P. Tablet.

I have been creating some new Pen & Ink drawings using the tablet to look at my source material. I shut off the screen and took a break for a while. When I came back, the tablet touch screen was not responsive. Then it started going to random places. Then it displayed only half a screen. Then, I noticed that it was quite warm, even though I had not been doing anything with it for a while.

So here is the situation:

  • Acting weird.
  • Getting hot.
  • Samsung.

So I turned it off.


I am looking for some humor in this for the blog.

I haven’t found much of that. Stay tuned.


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On Retirement

One of the downsides of retirement is that after a while, you occasionally need reminders.


Actually. Now that I think about it. Maybe that really is an upside.

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Sky on Fire

The sky was on fire this morning when I got up. Check it out.


Yeah. I know. Isn’t this the stuff of Facebook? You know. Here’s what I had for breakfast. Here is my dog sleeping. Here I am doing the laundry. Yada yada.

But still….. wow!…..

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What we meant to do was…

What we meant to do was make a path through the snow for the oil delivery guy… so he can find the spout and not have to wade through knee-deep snow. So we ran the Augernaut up the side of the yard.

Here is what it looks like.

The Path

But if you take a closer look at it…


It appears that we have really created easier access for the squirrels to find their buried acorns. We have squirrels all over the place.

More Squirrels

I think we have the fattest (happiest) squirrels ever.

Big Guy

Does it look like he’s smiling?

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Woo Hoo!



That is a lot more difficult than you might think at my age.

But there they are. The big Shooter in the middle…..

Big Boss Marble

That’s the Big Boss marble.

I had these when I was a kid. These are not young marbles.

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Since I no longer have to chase trains in the morning, I woke up and decided to make a batch of flapjacks for breakfast. What to cook them in? I went to the basement and I found this:


I bought that electric skillet when I was in Flight Training down in Laredo Texas at the A.F. Base BX. That was in….. (wait for it)….. 1970.

Yup. That skillet is now (using all my fingers and toes….) 47 years old. Yikes!

And I still have it! And it still works!

To cook flapjacks, I set it to 200° F, and wait until it is hot. I use the old-fashioned way of telling whether the temperature of the griddle is right. I toss in a few drops of water, and if they skittle around like little balls, without evaporating, then the temperature is just right. If you look closely at the following photo, you can see some of them.


It was tricky getting that shot because those suckers move fast. Here is a closer view of one of them.


If the little water balls pop when they hit the pan, it is not hot enough. If the water just vanishes and doesn’t make little balls, it is too hot. When the temperature is just right….. the water makes little balls that chase and dance around on the pan for several minutes. It’s kind of fun just tossing the water into the skillet and watching.

It’s called the Leidenfrost effect. Click on the link. Use caution; there be equations in there.

OK. I am easily entertained. Back to the flapjacks.

After the skillet is up to temp, I dump in the batter.

Side One

I cook it until bubbles appear on the top of the batter. Then, turn it over.

Side Two


This skillet is soooo old….. look at what is written on the bottom of the pan.

Made here

Can you see what it says?




An electric kitchen device that was made here. Now that’s old!

Hmmm.”General Electric Electric Skillet”. Isn’t that redundant?  I think “General Electric Skillet” would have sufficed.

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Hey, look! Somebody found a marble (it wasn’t me).

Marble Shelf

Nice looking marble.


Blue. Cat eye.


And it’s just sitting there, not rolling. Sweet.

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Still No Marble

I still have not found any marbles to test my new shelf, however, I did find this:

Bearing Up

That is a ball bearing, which is very like a marble but heavier. It is an odd household where one cannot find a marble, but a ball bearing is always close to hand. I am not going to try to explain that.

Anyway, I put the ball bearing onto the shelf, and it sat there obediently, not rolling away. I think that cinches it.

Just for grins, I took an extreme closeup of the ball bearing.

M.C. ish

Very M.C. Esher-ish, don’t you think?

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The Marble Test

After yesterday’s post, a certain family member, who has a facility for things mechanical, did not believe the level as it was placed on the new shelf, and demanded that we do the marble test to see if the shelf is, indeed, level.

So I went down to the basement to look for one, but alas I have lost my marbles, so I ended up with this:

Not a Marble

That is a 40 mm celluloid plastic spheroid designed for an upper-class, Victorian after-dinner parlour game (it’s a Ping Pong ball).

The ball was dutifully placed on the shelf……. where it did not roll…. as demonstrated in the accompanying photo.


(it is amazing what you can do with a camera when the shutter speed is set to 1/1000th of a second).

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Check One Off

Check one off the list. Today I finished one of my Old Retired Guy chores. I put up a shelf in the laundry, and I did it myshelf. Check it out.

All done

That thing sitting on the shelf is my level. Here’s a closer look.


The board is a closet shelf that we salvaged from the old house before we tore it down. Considering that the old house was built in 1946, 47, 48 (which involves a story I will have to tell later), it has a lot of experience being a shelf.

Here is the top of the shelf.


Nice patina. And check out that level.


Yowza! Not bad for a software guy, n’est-ce pas ?

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