And then the Sun came out…

It snowed all day yesterday and put down another foot of new snow…. in March…. which is a big downer. And then, the Sun came out, and we say…. “Well, it wasn’t that bad…”


Actually, it was…. but we are trying to take the high road here. In fact, I was so upset yesterday that I took three naps while it snowed.

That said, we have a little clean-up left to do, and then it’s Spring, right?


Work with me here.

Edit: I have added some more images to show what this storm did.

A lot

It was actually  19″ of new snow. We win…. er….. maybe not.

Look. The snow on top of the Chickadee house is taller than the house.

Top Hat

Those Chickadees! I suppose they are going to leave the shoveling to us. Renters!

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Curls and Swirls

This SPOTH has curls and swirls. It looks like it has hair….


but those are really spines, as you can see when you move in closer.


Under the spines are the swirls.


Here is the name to avoid.

Avoid This

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Spring, New England Style

In case anyone is out there reading this blog who does not live here in New England, I thought I would post a photo of Spring, New England Style.


Cheery, hunh? We got about 8″ of snow over night. Fortunately, our power is still on, unlike so many others who were not so lucky.

But never fear, soon we will be complaining about having to mow the lawn in the heat.

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More Strangeness

Here is another SPOTH that I found.


That’s kind of cute. You can see it better in this closeup.


Here is an angle that shows you the label.


This one still kinda looks like that mutant squirrel. These are creeping me out.

Let’s look at something different.

Here is another one that is hiding under its leaves.


It just looks like some leaves, right? Look closer.


It still looks like some leaves on top of a pot. But if we crouch down and look underneath….


Yikes! That looks like some kind of caterpillar! At least it doesn’t look like a mutant squirrel.

See that thing on the very left side of the leaf? Well that is a flower. This thing is blooming. Take a closer look.


Yep. That is a flower. In case you could not read the label in the first photograph, it says “Euphorbia francoisii”, which seems liike a veryy strangee name to mee.


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I have a new page on this blog. The name of it is “Silly Terms I Use” (STIU)…. pronounced “Stew”. Click on the link below:

STIU  Or you can click on the link to it up there Hand

OK. That was fun. If you got back here, then you have figured out how to use the Back Button on your browser. Yay.

I put that page in just in case you have forgotten what an Augernaut is or what SPOTH means. It is a glossary of names I have made up over the years on this blog.

And speaking of SPOTH, I have fallen behind on that thread. Here is another plant that has spawned down in the basement.


It’s such a tiny thing…. but ugly….


That wasn’t just HIT by the ugly stick….. that IS the ugly stick.

And just in case you want to find one, or you want to know what to avoid…. here is what it is.


Spineless, indeed. This thing reminds me of the mutant squirrel from The Simpsons Movie.SquirrelBTW, the above image is Copyright © Whoever Owns the Simpsons Stuff. I downloaded it from the interwebs. I certainly didn’t create that.

Makes you wonder what else is crawling out of the sump hole in the basement, doesn’t it?

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Another SPOTH

We have another Strange Plant Of The Hour. Take a look.


Even though it looks like something that you might rake up and then throw into the composting bin, that is not just a leaf; it is a whole plant. This plant puts out exactly one leaf, which sits on top of the plant, covering it completely. Here is a closer view.


I have been assured by my experts that there is a plant under there, and it owns this leaf. It only ever puts out exactly one leaf. The single leaf covers the plant entirely.


In case you feel an overpowering urge to run out and procure one of these, here is what it is called:

Say that three times quickly without spitting up.

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This is a new theme on this blog. Strange Plant Of The Hour…. SPOTH. Since we have so many strange plants growing in our basement, and since I have been having trouble thinking up things to post on this blog, and since this was really somebody else’s idea anyway, I thought that it might be entertaining to show the diversity of what the plants can come up with in their quest to be different.

So, let’s do it.

Today’s SPOTH, the first in this series, is this…..

The First

Yes. There is a plant in there. Let’s take a closer look.


This… um….. plant… is a just a little ball with a little tuft of hair on its noggin.


Looks like a Muppet®…… having a bad hair day.

In case you have not nodded off, and you are still interested, here is what it is.


Pronouncing that so that you can order one on the phone is your problem.

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OK. Here is another sign of Spring. The Chickadees were checking out their house again.


He is really looking in that hole. Let’s zoom in a bit closer.


Still checking out what is inside the house.

Zoom in.


He is really doing a thorough inspection.

And he doesn’t even know that he is being watched. HA!


Oops. Busted!

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Sometimes the magic works, and sometimes it doesn’t.


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Winter is Over

Our neighbor across the street just took delivery on a brand new snowblower…. and it is a nice, expensive one too.

No more snow this year.


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