Back to SPOTH

It has been a while since I blogged a Strange Plant, so I am starting up the SPOTH series again. Here is a friendly fellow.

Fishhook Barrel

This is called a “Fishhook Barrel Cactus”. Can you guess why? What does this look like?


… and this….

ouch ouch

… and this….


If you see one of these, and the person holding it says, “Wanna pet my cactus?”…. the correct answer is “No”.

I have been assured by the experts on the interwebs that should you get stabbed by one of these things, you should seek out band aids and antibiotics. Just sayin’

Here is the name of the beast to look out for.

Ferocactus Emoryi

Ferocactus Emoryi. Unfortunately, in the wild they rarely have labels on them.

Oh. One more thing…… this one is a baby.

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Who is DG?

So, who is DG anyway?

To help answer that question, I grabbed this from the Post Office.

Not Wanted

DG is a cartoon character that I invented about 50 years ago. I don’t remember exactly when…. or why. So to clear up any confusion I thought that I would post a list of Hardly Ever Asked Questions (HEAQ)… pronounced “Heck!”….. about DG.

Q. Why is he called “DG”?

A. Because that’s his name.

Q. Strange name. It looks like initials.

A. That’s not a question.

Q. How do you pronounce it?

A. Just like it’s spelled. “Dee Gee”. Don’t call him “Doug”. He hates it when you call him “Doug”.

Q. What does it mean?

A. It doesn’t mean anything. It’s just his name. What does the name “Fred” mean?

Q. How old is DG?

A. 51 years old.

Q. How do you know that if you don’t remember when you invented him?

A. I made it up….. it’s a cartoon character… get over it.

Q. Is DG male?

A. He has only one hair. What do you think? Besides, I keep referring to him as “he”. Duh.

Q. Why do you keep drawing him on this blog?

A. To delight my readers…… well…. OK to delight myself…. and you’re stuck with it.

Q. Are you going to keep bothering us with this drivel about DG?

A. Nope, but here is a link to my STIU page, where you can refresh your memory whenever  you want to.

Posted in Art, Cheap Philosophy, DG | 2 Comments


Spies are everywhere! Just ask DG.

DG the Soy

Or just ask the Google. Google is changing their Chrome browser very soon to flag insecure sites. According to the Google Security Blog, “Beginning in July 2018 with the release of Chrome 68, Chrome will mark all HTTP sites as ‘not secure’.” So if you go to our old address, you will see RED instead of GREEN in the address window. Yikes!

To make things worse, Firefox is planning on following this path soon as well, so moving to Firefox won’t fix it.

So what does this have to do with “Nothing Happens at Ten“?

Our hosting service just enabled our SSL certificates…. the ones that Chrome and Firefox are demanding. This site is now available using SSL. The change for you is simple. Instead of going to address:

go to address:

What’s the difference? Its the “s” at the end of “http” that makes it secure…. just add the “s”…. like this

S for Secure

When you do that, all of the contents of this web site will be encrypted when they are sent to you. It will look the same to you, but it will be scrambled on the way there.

Really. If you add that one little “s”….. and there is a Spy watching what you are doing on this web site….. to the spy, DG will look like this:

DG Encrypted

Pretty cool.

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Volcanoes have been in the news recently. DG knows a bit about that…..

Magma Come Loudly



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Mower Update + SPOTH

So….. it has been a long time since I blogged again. Why is that?

Because I have been busy mowing the lawn with my new mower, that’s why.

That’s my excuse, and I am sticking to it.

Anyway, after a month, the mower is still working fine. No noise; no smoke; no dust; no gas; no oil; no aggravation…. and the lawn looks as good as anybody’s.

Lawn (yawn)

Well, it looks as good as anybody’s lawn that is full of clover and dandelions. But it’s green.

The + SPOTH addition to this post is this latest plant, which is blooming out in the garden.

Prickly Pear

That is a Prickly Pear….. growing in our garden… and blooming….. here ….. in New England. Ya….. In New England. That certainly is strange enough to qualify for Strange Plant Of The Hour.

Closeup of Flower 1

Flower 1

Closeup of Flower 2

Flower 2

Prickly Pears grow in, like, Arizona, and Texas…. not in New England. But there it is… in full bloom. Talk about a green thumb!

P.S. Not my thumb. Somebody else’s thumb.

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New Toy

Here is the new toy that I just bought.


Remember these? I bet you haven’t seen one of these in a long time.


Yep. They still make these things. This one is brand new.


A hundred bucks cash money…… plus tax……. at the HarDware store.

You just push it, and the blades spin around and cut the grass. No gas. No oil. No broken pull starter or dirty spark plug. No blue smoke.

When we first moved into the house, way back in ’78,  We used an older version of this that is made out of iron. Wicked heavy mower. We still have it, but the rubber tires have rotted and fallen off. We used that push mower for 7 or 8 years before we bought the Snapper.

So why have we decided to go back to this old technology?

When we mow with the new mower it goes “chucka chucka chucka”” instead of like the power mower, which goes.


Yes, there are deficiencies….

  • It will not mow over sticks.
  • It leaves the tall dandelions still standing.
  • It does not vacuum up the yard debris.

But…. it is relaxing instead of aggravating.

Its a zen thing.

I am old.

I can zen if I want to.

…. and…. I just verbed “zen”.

So there.

Posted in House Project, Plants | Comments Off on New Toy

It Bloomed

Or maybe that should read IT bloomed. Here is a photo of it.

The Plant

That looks innocent enough. Here is a closeup of the flower.


Lovely. However, this is one of those Carrion Flowers. It is fertilized by flies, and it attracts them by smelling like rotting meat. Seriously…… this thing was stinking up the whole house. Check it out.

Scratch N Sniff

Yeah. I know. Fell for that one once before. Not going to fall for it again.

But seriously, I think that this stink might make it all the way through the interwebs and onto the screen this time.

Update: It was taken outside.

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More Stinkin’ Flowers

No. Seriously. I mean that literally. This one has flowers on it that you can smell. Here is the plant.

The Plant

It is another one of those plants that look like stuff growing out of a log.

The Bulb

It looks like this from the top.


In the center it has the Mutant Squirrel Eyes. See the flowers? Here’s a closeup.


And here is what they smell like.

Scratch N Sniff

You didn’t really do that did you?

Anyway. This is the name to look for.

The Name

I do not know what the B stands for or if that is the beginning of another word that is buried in the soil. You will just have to guess.

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SPOTH flowers

Here is another SPOTH from the basement.


There is a face that only a mother could love.

That thing at the top is a flower. In the photo below I have circled it.


Don’t believe me? Here is a closeup.



This one did not have a label on it, so I cannot advise you on what it is called. So I think we will just name it “Fugly” and leave it at that.

Update: I have been informed that there is no name tag because we do not know exactly what this plant is because it is a “volunteer”, which means that it just showed up, in with something else. However, we have guessed that it is a “Euphorbia CV Medusoid Cross“. Got that?

I’m sticking with “Fugly”.

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What month is it?

When I came downstairs this morning, this is what our indoor/outdoor thermometer was showing.


Check out the date. Here is a closer view.


Still can’t see it? Here is a visual aid.


Here we are, well past the Ides of March, and this is the outside temperature. I am not making this up folks! I did not stuff the sensor into the freezer overnight to make an outrageous post. Besides, our freezer is not set that low. We could warm up by crawling into the freezer.


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