Meet Blue

While DG is off playing with his writer’s blocks I thought that I would introduce you to Blue. “Blue” is the name that we gave to this plant that we have growing in the house. (Don’t ask…. I don’t name the plants.)

So, meet Blue


Blue is a nice, big Agave plant fer sure. To show you how big Blue is, I have put my ruler next to it. Check it out.

Blue the Ruler

Pretty cool.

But that isn’t the half of it. You see….. Blue is a baby.

That’s right. Blue is just a baby.

Blue’s official name is Agave franzosinii, also known as Agave beauleriana.

Here is what the Momma looks like.


I am serious! That is not trick photography. That is how huge these things get!

In case you are missing the point of the picture, I have annotated it to show you the salient points.


I mean. C’mon! Seriously? And that is growing inside our house!?

Don’t believe me? Here is another photo.

Another Momma


I am channeling that unfortunate person who thought that the cuddly little tiger cub would make a cute pet.

In case you want to check this out yourself, Google® Agave franzosinii or go here.

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Writer’s Block

It has been a few days since we have posted anything on this blog, so DG sat down to think of something funny to write.


He didn’t come up with much, so I told him the problem is that he has writer’s blocks.

I found him later….

Truly blocked

We shall see how that goes.

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One Less Bunny

We had a visit from the resident hawk yesterday.


That thing at his feet is….. or…. was…. one of our bunnies. The hawk … um… “disassembled” … the bunny for lunch. He came back later for supper, and then this morning, he showed up for breakfast and carried off the remains. We have bunny fur everywhere.

DG took exception to these activities.


However, some of the vegetable plants in our garden are taking the other side.


Regardless of the outcome of that discussion, we have one less bunny to share our SPOTHs with.

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Cooling Off

DG is tired of this heat. So he came up with the idea of standing in a bucket of ice cubes.


The way he figures it is this…. it is 98 degrees at his head, and 32 degrees at his toes. That averages out to 65 degrees somewhere around his belly button. So, on average, he is pretty comfortable.

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DG Got Glasses

It appears that DG might have strained his eyes while cartooning, so he got some glasses to help him see better.

Being cheap, he bought some cheap drugstore glasses, which pinch his nose.


So he tried to adjust them a little bit…. which you do by bending them just a little bit….

Not working

… or bending them too much.

So he came up with this solution.


No adjustment necessary.

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Tax Free Weekend

As you probably remember, a week or so ago we had a Tax Free Weekend here. The State did not collect any sales tax for the entire weekend.

So, picture this.

Tax free weekend….. two guys…. at a hardware store….. with a credit card…. no sensible people around to rein us in….

What do you suppose might be the result?

This, of course. (Keep scrolling down)

Keep scrolling

That is a Chainsaw On A Stick. Really. A chainsaw on a stick.

I’m serious.

Here’s a closeup of the business end.

The Saw

It really is a tiny little chainsaw. On a stick. So, waddaya think? Cool, hunh?

Yeah. I know, I know. You’re saying…”Whaaaa the…..???”

But c’mon. Just say it out loud… “Chain Saw On A Stick“. You can’t just walk by something like that. Right? Ya gotta have it. Just because. And it was tax free. We saved six bucks plus change on it.

Envious yet?

OK, but I do know that the attack plants we have growing around here are quakin’ in their boots about now.

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DG – Cartoonist

DG now fancies himself a cartoonist. The illness must be contagious.

At work

I tried to explain to him that it is harder than it looks, but he took a shot at it anyway.

This is what he came up with.

Nice Drawing

That isn’t very good, actually….. but then you never know what is going to go viral these days.

Click on your browser search bar and enter  “xkcd”.

I wonder if DG’s drawing has already been copyrighted.

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I think I have figured out why DG is so fond of his Avocado Stick.

Looks similar

Notice any similarities?

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Yellow Pear Tomatoes

Yellow Pear Tomatoes. These are from our garden.

Not really pears

We grow the strangest plants here.

Oh… and these are ripe….. they are supposed to be that color.

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DG has a SPOTH

DG has his own SPOTH.


Ummm…. I’m not sure how to tell him this…. but that looks like it might be just a plain old Avocado Stick.

But that’s OK! Really! Everybody’s got their own thing.

You can make your own Avocado Stick if you want to.

First, you get an avocado.


Then, you eat the avocado, but do not eat the pit. You save the pit. Then, follow DG’s instructions below.

Put it in water

Baby Avocado Tree

It grows

The Stick

See? Wasn’t that easy?

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