
We have been quiet for a while, but that is because we have been busy.

Our property contains a large number of mighty oaks, and the mighty oaks make a mighty huge bunch of leaves in the fall. So we have been busy moving all those leaves into the compost area so that they can Rot In Pieces (RIP).

DG was chomping at the bit to go out and do battle with the leaves, but when he got out there, the situation seemed more intimidating than he had imagined.


He gave it his best shot, but in the end, I think he might have surrendered.



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Smoke Alarms

Well……. the Smoke Alarms went off again… with another false alarm… in the middle of the night. There was no smoke, no fire, no dust, no dirt, no painted-over louvers……  no deaf spiders crawling into the housing. Just lots of terrifying noise.


As usual, DG was awakened from his beauty sleep (which he desperately needs). For some reason, these alarms always seem to happen in the middle of the night. This one would not stop, regardless of what he tried.

DG was not happy.


So, he went to the basement and found the Smoke Alarm Silencing System (SASS), which he used effectively to stop the screeching, flashing, screaming, unholy racket.

Then, he was finally able to get back to his slumbers.

DG asleep

And the best part is……. the smoke alarm is just as effective in its current state as it was when it was pulled brand new from the box.

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We were having a nice dinner the other night, when something went “beep”.

It was just a little beep.

Just once. Just one little “beep”.

….. from somewhere in the house, we couldn’t tell exactly where.


The question that came up was, “What just beeped?“. Which piece of technological cruft had just sent us an audio message? I mean, everything beeps now. The stove beeps, the car beeps, the microwave, the cellphones, the fridge, the smoke alarms, the coffee machine…..the washing machine, the telephone. Was that beep just the cellphone beeping to tell us that it  received some SPAM from the interwebs, or was it the smoke alarm telling us that its battery is dead and we are all going to die the next time I cook pizza?


DG thinks that this is a terrible situation, and that the FCC should create a brand new Bureau, called the “Beeps Of Technology” (BOT) bureau to regulate the semantics of all the beeps. If we had a standard beep for emails and another standard beep for the oven being left on it could save us a lot of grief.

Aha moment

I’m not sure how well that would work out.

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Yep. In there

We have confirmation that the Wookpeckers are in the house.

Looking out

Nice view from the front porch.

Looking down

Checking out the quality of the woodwork.

It is a couple too. We saw the female hopping around the house while Mr. Wookpecker finishes up the interior.

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And the answer is…..

The answer is that the Chickadee house apparently is now a Woodpecker house. There are rumors of sightings of the woodpecker going into the house to finish his work from the inside.

Here is the result of the renovation.

The finished product

And here is a closeup of the new entry way.


That clearly is no longer a Chickadee sized hole.

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We have a new interloper looking at the Chickadee house. First there were the wrens, then came the English sparrows, and now this guy shows up.


That is a Downy Woodpecker, who is doing a major renovation on the house.

Working bird

As you can see, he is busy making the hole large enough for himself to fit through. I’m not sure how the Chickadees are going to feel about this change. This could get interesting.

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There is a chill in the air, so DG finally had to dig his jacket out of the closet.

Of course, the zipper got jammed.


This always frustrates the poor guy.


It’s as if the zippers have it in for him.

Can't get it off

None of the standard “zipper tricks” seem to help.

Take it off

So, DG came up with his own unique solution.


I suppose that now he is going to go through life thinking he invented buttons.

I told him to take it easy….. that it isn’t personal. After all, some of my favorite people are zipper challenged.


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Here’s looking at You, Kid

Recently I was shown this very strange plant, which apparently is blooming…… in our house.

The Plant

The black dot at the top is the “flower”.

Just to creep you out a bit, here is a closeup.


Now, is it just me, or does that look like some sort of creepy, monster-movie eyeball?

Oh, and if you want to get a little more creepy, here is a flash photo to show off the angry, red center.

Red eyeball

Sleeping in a house with that growing in it is problematic.

So here is what you want to look out for.

Plant name

In case you can’t read the handwriting, the name is Dorstenia Benguellensis .

Sleep well.


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Eye Beams

I was cleaning the smudges off of my eyeglasses again ( and again..  and again..), and I was mumbling about how the heck does that stuff get on my glasses all day long, when DG stepped in and explained it to me.

You see, when you look at something, he says, your eyes send out Eye Beams to the thing you are looking at, like this.

Eye Beams

Eye Goo comes out along with the Eye Beams, and it gets caught in the glasses… because glasses are transparent to Eye Beams… but the Eye Goo gets stuck in them.

Um, OK, then.

It sounded a bit fishy to me, so I looked it up. It turns out that this is an ancient Greek theory of eyesight. Really! It is called the Emission Theory. Look it up on the Wiki.


Here is a scary quote from the Wiki…. (scroll to the bottom)

Winer et al. (2002) have found evidence that as many as 50% of adults believe in emission theory.

What? No, wait. It gets better. I followed the link to the study and I saw this.

The authors reviewed research about a profound misconception that is present among college students, namely, the belief that the process of vision includes emanations from the eyes

College students?

We are so doomed.

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Summer Fun

DG finally got his act together and found his summer fun equipment. He found his swimming goggles and his snorkel and his flippers. He even found his fishing pole.



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