Hat Trick

First it was the thermometer.

Then, it was the Augernaut.

Now, the microwave oven has quit working.

Dead Microwave

It just stopped. RIP microwave.

That is three “appliances” in  a row that have crapped out on us in February. We are hoping that things only come in threes, and that DG’s “Golden Sombrero” (look it up)  is mistaken.

DG in Sombrero

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Raining? In February?

So, here it is, still February, and it has rained all day!

That means that, after digging out of two snowstorms by hand….. OK… not by hand…. using a shovel……, my newly-restored, über-expensive snowblower is now sitting in the garage as useless as wheels on a crutch!

Wheels on a crutch

You can’t make this stuff up.

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The Augernaut is Reborn

The Augernaut showed up today totally reborn and working after the Snowblower Doctor fixed it. Here it is, purring away. Notice that the headlight is beaming.

Reborn Augernaut

DG, of course, is ecstatic.

Happy DG

I think that his smile might diminish when we tell him that there will still be walkways and sidewalks to shovel.

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The Augernaut is Dead

On Monday, while cleaning up the most recent storm leavings, the Augernaut spilled its oil out on the driveway and quit.

Yup. The Augernaut was gone.

Dead Augernaut

So sad.

DG was devastated.

Devastated DG

But I suspect that he is really mourning the additional time he is going to spend with his shovel.

Regardless, the Augernaut is at the Snowblower Doctor, and we are crossing our fingers for a good outcome.

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New Thermometer

I put new batteries in that thermometer, but unfortunately it was the thermometer that bit the dust, not the batteries. So I tossed it out and bought this new one.

New Thermometer

It’s kinda cute…. and it works… and I like the temperature that it is showing me better as well.

But, DG thought differently and said that he could fix the old one. So he fetched it out of the trash and got to work.

DG At Work

A few hours later he gave up too.

In the trash

Some things simply cannot be fixed.

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How cold was it?

How cold was it this morning? It was soooooo cold that the thermometer gave up.

Dead Thermometer

See the one on the left?….. the one we have reporting from the garage….  it just gave up and quit.

Can’t see it? I have circled the “temperature” being reported from the garage.

Dead instrument

The little lines mean that the thermometer has given up and is no longer reporting to the Mother Ship.

DG thinks that it quit in despair.

I suspect that the batteries went flat.

Whatever. It was darn cold out there.


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Pushing Spring

It is still January, and here in New England we are very far from spring. But one of the plants in the basement has decided to push it a bit anyway.

A blue flower

That is a very blue flower.


The official name of this ambitious plant is convolvulus tricoloralso known as a dwarf morning-glory.

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First Snow

We just got our first significant snow of 2019. YAY!…. well maybe not “YAY!“….. maybe it should be more like “yay”.

Anyway, DG is cranked and ready to go.

He found all his gear….. his mittens and his boots and longjohns and puffy coat and he put them all on.

Unfortunately, now he can’t bend his arms to work the shovel.

DG and Puffy Coat

Oh well. We handled it just fine using the Augernaut.

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I have not blogged for a few days because I was building a shelf. I know that is a pretty lame excuse, but it really is true.

The Shelf

Originally we were looking for a piece of antique oak furniture to go into that corner, but due to the funky location of our heat/AC inlet (which is just under the bench in the corner), we never found anything suitable that would fit. It is amazing that those 19th Century furniture makers did not anticipate the configuration of our heating/cooling system.

So I made the furniture myself. I built the bench a year and a half ago, and just now I have finished the shelf to put our hats and coats on. Here is a closer look.


OK. That’s it for the “ho-hum so what” post. I will try to get back to more entertaining material shortly.

Be grateful that I do not posts photos of my lunch.

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New Year’s Resolution

DG made a New Year’s resolution to exercise more, eat better, and try to lose some weight.

So, he ran off and found all of his gymnasium equipment… the weights and ropes and water bottles… he gathered it all up.

But then later, I caught him with this donut.

DG and the Donut

I don’t think that the word “exercise” is very relevant in this instance…. although I can see the effective application of the word “dumbell” here.

As for me, I always make the same New Year’s resolution…. to eat more fat, salt, and sugar and try to put on weight. That way, when I fail at it, it makes me healthier.

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