More Graffiti

Well, DG got back at me. He wrote something on my mirror.

My mirror

Such a witty guy.

I just wish he hadn’t done that with permanent marker.


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Just for fun, I wrote some graffiti on DG’s mirror in his bathroom.



Ha ha ha

Ooops….. DG isn’t laughing.

DG frown

Uh oh. That looks like a revenge frown to me.

Hey! C’mon. It’s a joke.

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DG tasted the Sauerkraut again and started to warm up to it. In fact, he started to like it, so he has been eating it regularly.

But I think I should have warned him that there are some side effects to eating kraut.


Well, that was unfortunate.


Better out than in.

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I made some sauerkraut. It turned out pretty well.


It was really easy to make…. just cabbage and salt. I shredded the cabbage, then crushed it with some salt and left it for a week in its own brine.

I think it’s pretty yummy, so I gave some to DG to taste.


Well, it does have the word “sauer” in its name.

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Back to the Dentist

Today, DG and I had to go back to the dentist for Round Two.

DG came away with just a cleaning, but unfortunately for me, I got a filling.

So DG drew a cartoon of me after our visit.

DG Smiling

I guess payback is fair.

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We must be snake-bit with respect to household appliances. We just lost another one.

Dead oven

Yup. The old Toast-R-Oven will no longer heat up. The timer still ticks, but there is no toasting going on.

Come to think about it, I overheard someone saying that about me the other day. I wonder what that means?

Anyway, our response time to these issues is improving. Witness the same-day replacement.

New oven

Also please note – as promised – no stupid cartoon faces.

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What month is it?

Soooo…. what month is it anyway?


I mean…. really?

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DG went to the Dentist

DG had to go to the dentist last week.

DG with bandage

He didn’t have a toothache. He had to go in order to help wrestle me into the chair, and he got that bump doing it.

I am a reluctant dental customer.

I suppose I owe him an apology. I tried to do that right after, but with all that Novocain in there, all that came out was “nmmflgglllllffff” and some slobber.

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Change The Clocks

It’s time to change the clocks again. I think this is a silly custom.

It reminds me of that tall friend of mine who was always cold because his blanket was too short so he cut six inches off the bottom of it and sewed them to the top. Works like a champ.

DG is already trying to remember how this works.

DG and Clocks

I told him… “Just think of it this way. It’s later than you think”.

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A different hat trick

It snowed yesterday.

The new thermometer told us how cold it was in the garage before we went out….. confirmed later by numb fingers.

The Augernaut ran and threw the snow.

The new microwave oven heated the coffee to warm us up after coming in.

Happy New Microwave

I like this hat trick better than the one we had before.

And I promise to stop drawing stupid cartoon faces on appliances.



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