We have a disagreement.

DG has disagreed with a statement that I made in a previous post where I compared the size of a toad to the size of a dime. I summarize the post below:

Toad and Dime

You could fit a dozen of those guys on that dime.

It gives new meaning to the phrase “Dime a dozen”.

DG tells me that there is no way I could fit a dozen of those toads on that dime, so the gag is invalid. However, I can prove my estimate using some basic physics. So pay attention, I am only going to do this once.

First, we assume that a toad is a perfect, frictionless sphere.

DG: Wha?

Me: Work with me on this.

First, we assume that a toad is a perfect, frictionless sphere.

Now, we can pile up the toads into several layers on the dime, like they used to pile up cannonballs.  Like this:

Cannon balls

Using some basic physics equations, we can calculate the total number of toads in the pile from the number of layers in the pile.

We pile up the toads in a pyramid in a square based configuration. If we do that, we could fit at least three layers of toads on the dime. From those assumptions, we can calculate the total number of toads that could be stacked on the dime.

Let Q[n] be the number of toads in the pile if the pile has n layers.

DG: Wha?

Since each layer contains a number of toads that equals the square of the layer number for that layer, the formula for the sum of all the toads in all the layers if you add a layer is

which can also be written as the following cubic equation:

Given the assumption that we can fit at least three layers of toads on the dime, we can substitute the number 3 for n into the cubic equation and we get

Therefore, we can get 14 toads on the dime….. two more than my dozen.


DG thinking

DG had to think about it.

Finally he said, “Oh yeah? Well if the toads are frictionless, you won’t be able to get even one of ’em to stick to that dime!”

Toad not on dime

Details details! (sore loser!)

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Happy 4th of July

DG and all of us here wish you a very happy 4th of July.

Uncle Sam

I told DG to be careful with that sparkler or he might light his fake beard on fire and lose face.

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How small are they?

So, our new toads are really tiny. But how small is “really tiny”? Check this out…. one of our toads hanging out over a dime.

Toad over Dime

You could fit a dozen of those guys on that dime.

It gives new meaning to the phrase “Dime a dozen”.

Dozen’t that make you stop and think?

Ok. Bad pun. Back to the cookouts.

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Big, Fat, Grown-up Toad

As promised, I managed to find a photograph of one of our grown-up toads.

Grown-up Toad

My son snapped the photo of this big guy trying to hide under a leaf. I guess the toad hasn’t yet realized how big it has grown and still thinks it can hide under a leaf.

Kids these days!

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Tadpoles have Frogged

Yep. The tadpoles have started to frog.

Did you notice how I just verbed the word “frog”?

That isn’t correct. But that is because these are toads, not frogs. However, if I say “The tadpoles have toaded”, it just doesn’t have the same ring to it. Know what I mean?

Anyway, here is the tadpole tank, with a rock in it for the toads to sit on.


Here are the tadpoles.


And here is the toad, sitting high and dry on the rock.

The Toad

It is a tiny little thing, but it is a real toad. Take a closer look.

Reminds me of a Muppet®.

DG was surprised to see how small they are.

DG and a Toad

Yep, it’s a real, live toad.

We released it into the yard to go eat bugs and grow. The toads do grow big and fat in our yard. I will try to catch a photo of a grown-up next time I see one.

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We just got back from our week in Maine. It was a good trip, and we saw a lot of new stuff as well as going back to our old haunts.

DG got over his allergies, and joined us for the trip. On one of our side trips we all drove down to Popham Beach. The Google robot gave us good directions on all the twists and turns in the road as we drove the blue highways down the peninsula. However, when we started to go back, the cell phone lost its connections, and all we got out of it was “Sorry, you need the internet to do this”.


DG got a little upset.

DG Pounding Phone

We introduced him to that other technology, MOP (maps on paper).


In the end, we all came out of it alive and well.

On the way back, we gave DG the chore of folding the map back up. That kept him busy for a while.

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Allergies Again

DG was so miserable from his allergies that I gave him some allergy medicine…. it was Aunty-something I think.

Now, all he does is sleep all day.


I suppose I should find a better solution….. but then…… I do enjoy the quiet times….


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Spring is Here

Ah…. spring.


Warm, sunny days…….




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Happy Mother’s Day

DG is confused.


On Mother’s Day, Dad takes the kids all day to give Mom a break.

But then….

On Father’s Day, Dad gets to spend the entire day having quality time with the kids. Seems a little fishy.

But don’t pay any attention to DG. He has difficulty understanding the more subtle aspects of modern life.

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DG got the Dentist’s bill.


I have gone looking for the Smelling Salts.

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