Happy Halloween

DG got ambitious about Halloween this year, so he carved a pumpkin.

DG Pumpkin

Hmmm. That Jack-o’-lantern looks familiar.


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Happy Anniversary

Today is the 10th anniversary of the creation of this blog. Here is a link to my very first post:

The Very First NHAT Blog Post

DG is pretty excited about this. He decided to celebrate.

DG Celebrating

Egad! I guess we need to get DG some speling lessons.

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Woollybear Ate my SPOTH

We found a disconcerting guest in our basement….. a woollybear taking a nap next to a former SPOTH.

Former SPOTH

The decapitated plant in the pot used to be a SPOTH. Here is a closer look.

Closer look

On the left, you can see part of the plant with the bite marks in it.

Bite Marks

On the right is the miscreant taking a nap….. or perhaps recovering from a tummy ache.

Woolly Bear

And all those little black dots all over the floor…. well….. droppings.


At least, according to the wide brown band on the bear, it is going to be a mild winter. Look on the bright side.

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The Beast Rules

Right after we moved into the new house, I procured “The Beast“, which is our generator…… also called “Brian’s Folly”. It was a waste of time and money, the experts said. I heard it all.

Why did you buy that? You’ll never use it“.

The power never goes out in this town for more than a few hours! Waste of money.

I have one, and the only time I ever run it is to test it.

The last time I ran mine, I made a pot of coffee with it.

I have spent the last 9 years keeping The Beast running….. keeping fresh gasoline on hand…… changing the oil….. running it under load every few months….. testing the wires and connections…… just to have it sit in the garage….. idle…………. never used……… a silly waste of time and money.

Until…… last Wednesday evening, the tree in our front yard decided to do this.

Tree down

Which did this to our power connection.

Power down

We were cut off, with the lines trapped under the tree. The electric company had to cut the wires to keep it safe. So we were in the dark for 24 hours.

Undeterred….. I got out The Beast, and hooked her up.

The Beast

Right through the official Transfer Switch in the garage.

Transfer Switch

and she ran fine, and powered the essentials in the house…… the refrigerator, the sump pump, and……… the coffee pot……. long enough to get us connected back into the grid.

So there ya go. Emergency equipment is a waste of time and money….. until you need it.

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Volunteer SPOTH

We have a volunteer SPOTH growing in our Alpine Garden. This is our Alpine garden:

Alpine Garden

The Alpine Garden is basically a pile of rocks that contains plants that usually grow on rocky mountain tops.  They are very hardy plants that grow on rocks in cold places. That’s nothin’ to sneeze at.

We had a volunteer plant show up in it. See it? No? There is a clue in the photo below. It’s under the tree, inside the white circle.

Circled shroom

A closer view.

Closer view of shroom

It’s a ‘shroom. We didn’t plant it, but it is strange enough to qualify for a SPOTH, so I blogged it anyway.

Actually, it’s kind of pretty.

Close up of shroom

I have no idea what its name is. So we can just call it “Fanny”.

No, wait. “Fanny Fungus” might be misinterpreted. How about “Farquhar”? Nah. Too hard to spell. OK. We’ll just stick with “Fred”.

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Groundhog ate our cheese squash

Sometime yesterday, or the day before, the local groundhog got into our garden and did this to our baby cheese squash.

Half a squash

We had nurtured the plant from when it was just a seed. That squash was supposed to be our pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving. Grrrr.

I had to break the sad news to DG….. that the groundhog had eaten our Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie. He was not pleased.

Angry DG

I tried to calm him down. “Well”, I said, “there are alternatives”.



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World’s Tallest SPOTH

We have the world’s tallest SPOTH growing in our house. Check this out. Here is the pot that it is growing in.

The Pot

So we look up to see where the top of the plant is.

Looking up

Keep looking up.

Looking up

Look up even higher.

Looking up

Not there yet, so keep looking up.

Almost there. One more look.

There ya go. The top of the world’s tallest SPOTH.

OK. If I take out the drama and delays, here is a photo of the whole plant.

The whole plant

That isn’t quite as exciting as the Long Look Up, but even so… that is a 13 foot high ceiling. It’s nothing to sneeze at.

The name of the plant is “Dracaena marginata“, and while this one is probably not really the tallest Dracaena in the world, these house plants are usually a bit shorter than ours.

Anyway, thanks for looking….. and looking….. and looking……..

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We have stupid rabbits

After the skunk incident, we put the trap back out with no bait in it other than the leftover stink from the skunk.

However….. the trap door was left open.

This afternoon, there was a bunny in the trap.

The Bunny

Why did it go in there? Duh. Stupid bunny. I wonder if it was just looking for a ride.

Anyway, we trekked it off to a more favorable home in the woods. When I opened the door to the trap, the bunny bounded off into its new home with a huge smile on its face…

Well. Maybe. Is this what a bunny smile looks like?

Bunny Smile

Regardless, it isn’t our bunny anymore.

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We haven’t posted for a while because we have been under the weather.

DG with umbrella

Well…. that isn’t exactly what I meant. DG can be so literal sometimes.

But that isn’t the real story. The real story is that we caught a skunk in the Havahart® trap. DG was not pleased.

DG stink lines

Where do you suppose he found that huge clothes pin?

No, I do not have any photographs of the skunk in the trap. My telephoto lens is not long enough to keep me far enough away from that guy.

So somebody who is much braver than I sneaked up on the trap and opened the trap door.

We had a small panic when a few hours later the skunk seemed to have adopted the trap as a cool place to stay for a while. But, eventually it did leave. We haven’t set the trap again since then, and the bunnies are running wild through the gardens.


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It has been a while since I have posted a SPOTH, so I thought I would add one today.

If you are new to this blog you might not know what a SPOTH is, so I have supplied a link in the previous paragraph to my glossary (of sorts) to explain it.

In fact, I provided a link in the second paragraph as well. So all you need to do is click on the word SPOTH, and your questions will be answered.  Oh shoot, there’s another one. Dang. I sense an infinite regression coming on.

Well If you haven’t yet figured out how to find out what a SPOTH is, you might have some internet issues.

Just sayin’.

Cutting to the chase, here is the SPOTH.

Tillandsia Cyanea

That is a Tillandsia Cyanea, also called a “pink quill” plant. The quill in the middle is actually a “bract”, which is a modified leaf where the flowers grow.

The neat thing about this is that if you rotate the plant 90 degrees, it looks like this.

Skinny quill

Pretty cool. The quill is flat. It is so skinny in this direction that it almost disappears.

I thought that this was so cool, I expended an enormous effort to create a gif to show the plant rotating so you can get the full effect. Check this out.


To emphasize the trauma that I endured while making that gif, consider that the turntable it was turning on has a music box in it that was playing Edelweiss the whole time.

We suffer for our art.


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