
How about these January temperatures?

DG thinks that spring has arrived, and is taking full advantage of it.

DG Sunning

I’m not sure how to break it to him that he is about to be smitten by Old Man Winter.

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One of my Christmas presents this year was this really cool stapler. It’s a genuine Swingline stapler.

The Stapler

DG took a liking to my stapler and ran off with it.

DG and Stapler

Quite honestly, I am a tad afraid to go and take it back.

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Today is DG’s 50th birthday. Yay!

So we made a cake and put all 50 candles on it.

DG with candles

DG is not happy about being 50 years old. Actually, he is quite grumpy about it.

DG: I don’t want to be 50.

Me: Too bad.

DG: 50? Hrmph

Me: Ya, ya. Don’t be so picky. 50 is nuthin’. I remember 50……. 1850!


Our Dear Reader steps into the conversation…..

Dear Reader: Wait a minute…… you said before that DG was 51, and that was a couple of years ago. Now he’s 50?

Me: Well maybe I was wrong back then.

Dear Reader: Ya think? You can’t just make this stuff up!

Me: Of course I can. It’s a cartoon. Duh.

DR: So why did you choose January 1 of 1970 for DG’s birthday?

Me: Think of how easy it will be in the future to calculate how old he is. Nice round numbers. No math. C’mon. Why make this harder than it has to be?

DR: Why did you decide just now to assign a birth date to DG?

Me: I wanted to draw that cool picture of all those out-of-control candles on a cake.

Me: Besides, I wanted to make that lousy pun too. Deal with it.

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Happy New Year

DG is ready to rock and roll with the new year.

DG Party Ready

I told him to be careful with that bubbly. He seems to be leaning a bit already.

Happy New Year to all.

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I asked DG why he didn’t use the abacus to calculate our hit rate compared to The Google instead of the slide rule.

We have an abacus in our computer museum, you know. Here is a photo of it.

The Abacus

He said “You can’t do division on an abacus”.

I said, “Yes you can”.

DG: No, you can’t.

Me: Yes, you can.

DG: No

Me: Yes.

DG: No you can’t.

Me: Well, I can.

DG: Prove it.

So, to prove my point I did the calculation on the abacus. It is done by successive subtractions of the divisor from the dividend, counting how many times you can do that.

Just in case you are interested,  I made a little animation of how to do it. Take a look.

The Calculation

DG didn’t know what to say.

DG in shock

I knew what to say.


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Slide Rule

You may have noticed in my previous post that DG was using a slide rule to do the calculations. He borrowed it from my  computer museum. He’s an old-fashioned kind of guy, you know.

Here is a photo of the slide rule in action.

Slide Rule

Back in 1965, on my way to college, I went to our local TG&Y Five and Dime store and bought this Sterling Slide Rule for $3.00. Yep. I’m that old. And 3 bucks was a lot more money back then too. A cup of coffee cost 25 cents, not……… um…….. 3 bucks.

Anyway, I took that slide rule to college and used it to get a B.S. in Physics. Scary, hunh?

DG borrowed it to do the calculations on our hit rate compared to The Google hit rate. Here is a closer photo of the rule doing the calculations.


As you can plainly see, we are dividing 250,000 by 62,500 to come up with the answer, 4.

What? You can’t see that? Here’s a visual aid.

Calculation annotated

In the red oval on the left the 62.5 on the C scale is set over the 250 on the D scale indicating a division operation, and in the red oval on the right, we read the answer 4 under the 1 at the end of the C scale. Easy peasy.

What? You don’t know how to use a slide rule? Egad! They used to teach that stuff in grade school.

What’s that laughter I’m hearing?


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Another Milestone Achieved

We just hit another milestone with this blog. After 10 years of posting our entertaining and educational material on this platform, our hit counter just went over 250,000 hits. Wow! A quarter of a million hits! Check it out. Scroll down to the very bottom of the blog to find the hit counter. Hand

…. and we have an honest hit counter too. Don’t believe me? Check out the code yourself.

Hit Counter Code

OK then. Moving right along….

DG thought that was pretty impressive, so he went off to calculate how that compares to some of the bigger fish on the interwebs, like The Google f’rinstance.

DG Calculating

I left him to do that task and meanwhile I figured that The Google’s search engine has to deal with about 5.4 billion searches a day, which is an average of about 62500 per second. So when comparing our 250,000 thousand to The Google…


Hmm. That is about 4 seconds worth of Google searches. Hmm.

DG Oops

Oh well. It’s been fun anyway.


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Remember that squash?

Remember last summer, back in August, when the Groundhog ate our cheese squash?  DG was really mad.

Here’s a reminder.

Half a squash

Well, we grew another one in secret right next to it, and the Groundhog didn’t find that one. And now, here it is……

The Pie

DG was very pleased, and he is ready to Rock ‘N Roll.

Hungry DG


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Trees Again

We had to have some more trees removed for safety. Two of them were behind the house, so they brought in a huge crane.

Big Crane

DG was impressed.

DG impressed

Oops. Sorry. I had to censor that a bit. DG gets carried away sometimes.

If you look closely at the photo above, you can see the teeny tiny tree climber hooking up the tree. Here he is circled in white.

Tree Climber

It looks like the crane is about to topple over onto the house (OH NOOOOO!), but it is actually propped up on its stands.


The crane is level, and the ground is slanting.

After they took the trees out, it was apparent that there was some rot in the trunks.

Rotten trunks

You can see all the way through that hole on the left.

Glad we had them taken down before they fell.

Stay tuned for some more terrifying tales of tall, treacherous tree trunks…… and more really bad alliteration.

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It’s not like I was complaining about raking the leaves or anything, but a friendly neighbor came by and informed me that there really can’t be an Infinite number of leaves on our lawn. After all, he posited, the set of all leaves is a “countable finite collection of objects with multiplicity but not order”……

There was a brief pause…… Then, DG offered him the rake.

DG Rake

The friendly neighbor demurred and departed the area.

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