More Taxes

DG finally got around to finishing his taxes. He was thrilled to find out that he doesn’t owe any taxes at all.

DG's Taxes

“DG”, I said, “that is because you are a cartoon character. You don’t have any income.”

DG: Wha?

Me: I said, you are a cartoon character. Cartoons don’t owe taxes because you have no income.

DG: Wha? Oh yeah? What about Snoopy?

Me: Sure, Snoopy is a very successful cartoon. But that money went to the cartoonist, Charles Schulz, not to Snoopy the cartoon.

DG: Wha? That’s not fair. Snoopy did all the work, and Charlie got the money?

Me: ‘Fraid so.

DG: Not fair.

Now DG is protesting.

DG Protesting

Oh my. Here we go again.

I think he needs to double check the acronym before he designs his logo.

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We have a family of Mourning Doves nesting outside our window.

There is a room at the back of the house that is full of windows and exotic plants. Just outside the room is a fir tree. The illusion of this arrangement is that we are in a continuous forest, but with a sheet of glass in the middle to keep us warm in the winter.

Plant Room

That illusion seems to work for the birds as well for us, and in fact the Chickadees have attempted to fly to the inside plants only to be confused by the invisible barrier.

The Mourning Doves have felt comfortable enough with the location that they have built their nest in the fir tree just outside the window.

The nest

Can’t see the bird? Here is a hint.

Nest circled

I zoomed in a bit closer, and there is Mom sitting on her nest.

Mom bird

Later on, Pop joined her.


We are hoping that they stick around long enough that we get to see their little ones hatch.

Shhhh. Walk quietly.

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DG has been pulling his hair out trying to get his taxes done.

I told him that he should be careful with that, after all he only has one hair left.

DG Hair

Oops. Too late.

Oh well. Maybe it will grow back.

He has until July.

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OK, what month is it?

The title says it all…. what month are we in now?

Festive snow on house

That looks very festive….. for December… but April?

I hope the Chickadees don’t get confused and stuff the chicks back into their eggs.

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DG decided that he needed to make a mask. That is what everybody is doing, making masks.

“DG”, I said, “Just stay inside. You don’t have anywhere to go.”

“Nope”, DG said, “I need to make a mask”.

“Seriously, DG, you don’t need a mask. You aren’t going anywhere”.

“Nope”, DG said, “I need to make a mask”.

So off he went and got to work making a mask.

It didn’t turn out all that great.

DG's mask

So, I stepped in and helped out and made one for him myself.

Total Face Mask

There ya go. Now maybe we can get some peace and quiet around here.


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The Chickadees Have Nested

Amid all of the current chaos and disruptions, some things remain the same. The chickadees are frantically going in and out of the house, which probably means that they have a brood in there. A photo of a chickadee heading into the house.

Chickadee going in

And here is one coming out.

Chickadee coming out

Can’t see the bird? A hint will help.


A super closeup.

That is a bird on a mission.

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Looking for something funny

I have been wracking my brain trying to find something funny to post, but honestly there  isn’t much these days that is funny.

So, I drew a picture of DG going Stir Crazy.

Stir Crazy

Hopefully, he will be able to get out soon.

Seriously, stay calm, stay safe, stay healthy.

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It has been a while since I have posted a SPOTH. So here is one that just bloomed.


That’s pretty gnarly.

The flowers aren’t all that strange though.

The Flowers

In case you want to know what it is, here is the label.

The Label

And in case you can’t read it, it says “Tylecodon Ventricosus“, which is Latin for “My ventricles need a Tylenol®”……. or something like that.

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Happy Pi Day

Today is Pi (π) Day. In case you have been living under a rock and don’t know what π day is, it is March 14, which is written as 3/14 which some nerds have equated to 3.14, which is a very gross estimate of the value of π, which is actually, 3.141592653589793238462643383279… (approximately).

So, anyway, Happy π Day.

Speaking of nerds, this morning I was looking for a key to a lock box I need to open. I was looking in my Desk Organizer (which is actually a primo example of disorganization) and found some of my old Nerd Jewelry.


That is a Tie Clip and its attendant cuff links. Remember tie clips? Remember ties?  I won’t even ask if you remember shirts that required cuff links.

The tie clip is actually a working slide rule, which is probably the nerdiest nerd fashion statement ever made.  Here is a closer view of the tie clip.

Closer View

Pretty cool, hunh? And if you are paying attention, you can see that the slide rule is solving the calculation of this blog’s hit counter in comparison to The Google hit counter. Click on the link below to refresh your memory.

Slide Rule Calculation

To clarify further, I have included an annotated closeup of this version of the calculation.

Slide rule annotated

So there you have it…. another get-a-life post on the Nothing Happens at Ten blog.

P.S. I did not find the key.

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Market Crash

DG has been watching the Market crash and is all worried and bummed out about it.


“Relax”, I told him. “It’s not all that bad. It comes back. It always has.”

But he was still upset.

“Well, just turn the chart upside down”, I said. “That will make you feel better.”


Hmmmm. I guess that wasn’t the very best idea that I ever came up with.

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