Upside of the Lockdown

OK here’s another upside of the lockdown.

Your Aunt Millie didn’t visit this year.

Dancing for Joy

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Upside of the Lockdown

OK here’s another upside.

It gets you off the hook for that social gaffe that just came out when you put your mouth in motion before you put your brain in gear.

Talking thru the mask

Trust me. It works.

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The Upside of the Lockdown

It is difficult to find any upside to this long, never-ending lockdown.

But, here is one.

You never have to go out wondering if you have a piece of spinach stuck between your teeth.

You get this:

DG Masked

Not this:

DG No Mask


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You may remember that back in June, the Kids went out when it was 91 degrees and dug this rock out of the ground.

Rock and Glove

In case you need a memory refresher, here is a link to that post.

The Rock

They named the rock “Horatio”.

Don’t ask me. I don’t know. I don’t name rocks.

Anyway, last week they ran across this rock.

The Boulder

While it wasn’t 91 degrees out, the rock provided a challenge because it started out here:

Rock in the hole

Yep That’s in a hole, like, three feet down.

So how do you move a rock that must weigh 500 pounds out of a hole with nothing but hand tools and determination?

Moving the rock

You pry it up a fraction of an inch and then put smaller rocks under it to hold it there while you pry it up again and put small rocks and then pry it up again. Rinse and repeat. Inch by inch. Hour by hour.

Almost out

You keep doing that until…..

At top

The rock is out of its hole, leaving behind a trail of smaller rocks used to lift it. And then, there it is.

Rock with mallet

So…. what was I doing during all of this? I was sitting inside surfing the ‘net, of course, and trying to memorize the number for 911…. in case we ended up with a broken leg or something.


And they named the rock “Jennifred”.

Don’t ask me. I don’t know. I don’t name rocks.

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Helloooo….. anybody there?

Dear Reader: Hellooooo? Anybody there?
Me: Yep. Still here.
DR: Really. What’s going on out there? It’s been over a month and nothin’…
Me: Well, we’ve been busy.
DR: Busy? Doing what?
Me: Just stuff.
DR: What stuff?
Me: Growing hair.
DR: Say again?
Me: Growing hair!
DR: What do you mean…. “growing hair”?
Me: DG has been working hard growing his hair back after pulling it out doing his taxes.
DR: You’re kidding…. that’s a get-a-life hobby.
Me: Well, DG is taking it quite seriously…. considering that he only has one hair.
And actually, he is rather happy with the outcome.

DG Selfie

In fact, he took weekly selfies to keep track of his progress. Here they are all strung together. Take a look.


DR: Hoo boy, we gotta get out from under this lockdown.

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Mister Peanut

I was glancing at the photograph in my previous post, and I noticed that Mister Peanut apparently  is living in my car.

Mister Peanut

And the worst part of it is that now that I have seen it, I will never be able to unsee it.


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Sooo…… you bought a new car…..

Sooo…. you bought a new car…… and it is all sparkly new and clean and it still has that “new car” smell… and you are still worrying about getting that “first scratch”……


What do you do to that new car?

Here’s what I did to ours.


Yep. That is dirt!

Bwha ha ha haaaa!

She’s all broke in now!

You see, the car is an SUV, which stands for Sport Utility Vehicle. While some folks think of this car as an Suv, I think of it more as an sUv, and this is the U part of the equation.

Don’t worry. I got out the shop vac, and she cleaned up real nice.

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All tuckered out

DG chased those bunnies so hard that he got himself all tuckered out. So he decided to take a nap.

DG Napping

I can’t believe that I just animated DG taking a nap.

We have been locked up too long.

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Now that DG can move, I thought it would be a good idea if he got up off the sofa and went out to do something useful.

“Hey, DG, now that you can move, why don’t you get up off the sofa and go do something useful?”


“You heard me. Get up off the sofa and go do something useful”.

Like what?

“Oh I don’t know. Why don’t you go out and chase the rabbits out of the garden? They are eating everything”.

And so, he did.

Well, at least he’s not sitting on the sofa any more.

Do me a favor and let the loop run for a while. DG needs the exercise.

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Haunted LED Flood Light

We have a haunted LED flood light in the house.

Seriously…. this light was installed in our kitchen, and it does weird things when we turn the power on and off. I took it down to the workbench to check it out. Have a look at the video below:

Notice how it sort of wobbles and blinks when I plug it in. But that isn’t the strange bit. The strange bit is that it refuses to go off after I unplug it. It even gets brighter…. as if it is struggling not to go out. Cue the Twilight Zone® theme.

Go ahead. Watch it again!

Spooky, hunh?

But that isn’t the worst of it. Check out the box.

22 years?

Notice the estimated life of the bulb. Now check out the bulb itself.

One year?

Yes. I am that crazy. When I install a light bulb, I write the date that I installed it on the base. I just like to see how long these things actually last.

Here is a closer view in case you can’t see the date in the photo above.


I installed that bulb on August 22 of 2019,  less than a year ago. The life of the bulb is actually 41 days short of a year. So the bulb has lasted 324 days. Now, 22 years is 8030 days, so the bulb lasted 4.03486924035 % of its estimated life.

You can’t make this stuff up.

I know what you’re thinking… “Strange person who would blog about a light bulb”.

But then….  you’re reading this…. know what I mean. Just sayin’.

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