Happy Thanksgiving

As with most everyone, we are celebrating a smaller, simpler Thanksgiving this year.

Very Small Turkey

DG Grinning

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

Stay safe.

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Social Distancing

The authorities are telling us to practice “Social Distancing”. So that is what DG is doing.

DG sneering

Unfortunately, DG thinks that “Social Distancing” means looking down his nose at everybody else.

“DG”, I said, “You are misunderstanding the term ‘Social Distancing”. It does not mean socially excluding everybody else. It means putting physical distance between you and other people, not being snooty.”

DG: “Well that’s dumb. Why didn’t they say that? Why didn’t they call it ‘Physical Distancing’ or ‘Safe Distancing’ or ‘Keep ya distance distancing’ or ‘Backoff!’ distancing?”

Me: “I don’t know, but do us all a favor and put your mask back on”.

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Upside of the Lockdown

Now that you are spending so much time Zooming, you finally have the perfect excuse to upgrade that horrid little laptop computer you have been using for so long.

Small laptop & smoke

As you are probably already aware, computers are powered by smoke. You know that is true because as soon as the smoke leaks out, the computer stops working.

So to avoid the risk of being offline, you should go ahead and replace it with something that is bigger/better/faster, right?

Big laptop & smoke

Well, I guess they just don’t make things like they used to.

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Upside of the Lockdown

Even though it is Monday, since you have nowhere to go, you can sleep until noon.

DG Snoozing

Hey….. wait a minute!……. how’s that different from what you were doing before the lockdown?

DG Frown

Oops. I thought you were asleep.

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Another Boulder?

Ya. We have another boulder.

You may remember this photo from when they pulled Jennifred out of the hole.


Well, Jennifred has a sister, Geraldine, that was still in the hole (circled in the image below).


Here’s a closer look, taken before Jennifred was liberated. Geraldine is the rock on the right.


The usual happened… pry it up a fraction and put smaller rocks under it, pry it up, put smaller rocks, etc. until it was out.

At the top

And there she is, slightly bigger than her sister. And she came out of there:

The hole

I am hoping that we are done with these for a while. I am exhausted from just watching all this work.

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We Need an Upside

We have now been through three spooky events in recent weeks, to wit:

  1. Halloween
  2. Changing all the clocks
  3. The Election from Heck

Now that we have survived those and they are over and done with (as far as we can tell)…. and it looks like we will be in the lockdown for a while longer…..  we need a new Upside of the Lockdown.

Here it is: You now have plenty of time to pursue that hobby that you never had the time to spend on before, like painting.

DG with his art

Um…. I sure hope that isn’t supposed to be a portrait of me.

Hey, DG, maybe you should try tatting instead.

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Daylight Saving Time is Crazy!

It is time again to go around the house and update all the !@#$% clocks in order to keep up with the government changing the time of day.

We all know that doing this is crazy, but this morning I got up early and witnessed the craziest of crazy yet. Even our clocks are going crazy over it. I caught one of them running around in circles so I took a video. Check it out.


Yikes! The clock is haunted! It did end up ticking away on the correct time, but wow!

Actually, the explanation isn’t all that difficult. That clock automatically updates the time using the WWVB signal out of Fort Collins, Colorado. Since it is an analog clock, the update happens in a different manner than it does for the digital clocks. You can’t just change the number on the screen.

I had never caught it in the act of updating before, so I was a bit shocked to see it spinning around like that. If it were me, I would stop the clock for one hour and then start it up again. But I guess that instead of falling back one hour, it falls forward 23 hours. That sort of sums up the way things are going during these strange times, doesn’t it?

You can read up on WWVB at their web site.


Why not? You might learn something, and it beats watching your sourdough rise.

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I was wandering around the neighborhood taking a walk and checking out some of the Halloween decorations, when I noticed this spider decoration.

Spider skeleton

After I backed up and took another look, it occurred to me that either someone has a sick sense of humor, or they flunked biology 101.

Nevertheless, happy Halloween everybody.

Stay safe.

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Upside of the Lockdown

Everyone is wearing a mask these days, which makes it difficult to tell what anyone looks like.

That makes you almost as good looking as Rock Hudson.

Rock Hudson in mask

But…. it also makes you almost as good looking as Alfred E. Neuman.

A. E. Neuman in mask

Sorry, but it cuts both ways.


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Upside of the Lockdown

Your halitosis is no longer a problem for your friends and neighbors.

Halitosis mask

That doesn’t mean that it is an upside for you, but then you know what you gotta do.

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