Waiting for Vaccination

I found DG waiting patiently for his Covid-19 vaccination.

DG Waiting

“Get used to it”, I said, “You are not in a high risk group, so it’s going to be a while.”

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Woodpeckers Again

We took a couple of weeks off from this blog to rest up after the holidays. The woodpeckers also hunkered down in the Chickadee house. Every now and then, they stick their little heads out to look around and see if the situation has improved.

Peeking out

Looking out

Looking around

And then they go back in.

Good choice.

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2020 Retrospective

Today we are saying “Goodbye” to that horrific year, 2020. DG and I have put together our own retrospective for the year.

Flushing 2020

Here’s hoping for a better 2021,

Happy New Year, everyone.

Stay the course and stay safe.

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Merry Christmas

DG got his attitude straightened out again. He is back in the spirit and sends greetings to all of our readers.

DG Merry Christmas message

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We have hung our stockings by the chimney with care…


Then I noticed that DG has hung his stocking upside down.

Me: DG, why did you hang your stocking upside down?

DG: That’s to keep Santa from putting coal in it.

Me: Why are you assuming that Santa is going to put coal in your sock?

DG: 2020

Me: Oh. ‘Nuff said.

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DG is Santa

DG finally decided to put on the Santa Suit to cheer things up.

DG As Santa

Is that really DG in there? It’s hard to tell.

Who is that really….. is that Rock Hudson?

No… wait a minute… it looks more like Alfred E. Neuman!

HAHAHAHA… I crack myself up!

DG Frown

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Santa Suit

Christmas is coming, and DG went off to find his Santa Suit.

Crumpled Santa Suit

He found it, but then he considered leaving it like that and calling it “art” since it so neatly expresses the situation that we are in this year.

I told him to go ahead and put it on. Jolly is better.

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Upside of the Lockdown

You can now go shopping wicked early, avoiding the crowds.

Asleep at the cart

Hey, DG, you aren’t even supposed to be here. You are only 50 years old.

Go home and go back to bed.

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Upside of the Lockdown

You now can make Sourdough Bread.

Flat loaf

Well, OK…. you now have made Sourdough Bread.

But look on the bright side; it’s not all bad.

Made into smaller loaves, they can be used for street hockey.

You can also hurl it, like Oddjob’s hat, at the squirrels dining at your bird feeder.

Stay safe; don’t break a tooth.

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Upside of the Lockdown

You will never have to buy toilet paper ever again.

Piles of paper

At least that’s true if you hoarded toilet paper like DG did…. shame on you for hoarding…. shame shame….. unlike the rest of us who….. uh…… oh…. Hey, DG, could I borrow one of those rolls?

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