Sump Pump

The sump pump is in! They came over yesterday and installed the plumbing and a pump. As with the outlets, the plumbing was done with style, if not excess. The sump is in the farthest back corner of the house, which is where we don’t want to put the water because it might just come back into the house, so it is redirected toward the front of the house. The pipe starts at the hole:

Beginfrom whence it goes up to the ceiling and across the back wall.

AcrossIt then continues over to where the oil tank is located and turns toward the front of the house.

TurnIt’s a long run toward the front of the house, past the center beam and through a floor joist.

Through a beamand continues past the boiler and the air handler ducts through another joist

Another beamwhere it comes out on the other side of that joist and takes another turn, back toward the side of the house again.

Turn againOnce it is near the side of the house, it drops down to provide for natural drainage.

Drainageand finally, it goes out through the wall.

Out!On the outside, there is a simple elbow…

Elbowto which we can later connect……….. you guessed it………. a pipe…. to direct the water away from the side of the house. Yikes.

The odd thing is that it is now pumping water out. We have been watching the sump for several weeks now, expecting the water to appear. It didn’t. Yesterday morning, the sump had the same old stagnant water in it that has been in it since it was installed in the Fall. Then, last night, the pump started working.

It seems odd that they would come and install the pump on exactly the same day that it is needed. Where does Murphy come into that sort of accident? But then, as Doug might say, “Better than installing the day after you need it”.

Meanwhile, upstairs, the sun beams into the living room.

Beam of a different sort“It’s all good”.

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