Future Direction of the Blog

DG was complaining about the boring content of this blog. So I got together with him to toss around some ideas about what we can post next.

“How about I post my recipe for blueberry bagels?”, I asked.

DG: Boring

OK. How about my latest woodworking project?

DG: Been there done that.

I could post about my new power washer.

DG: Well, that's a get a life moment.

OK, Mister Smartypants… what would you suggest?

Oops! Sorry. Outa time.

DG: Waddaya mean, outa time?

Sorry. It’s the Fifteen Second Rule.

DG: What's a 15 second rule?

It is clearly stated in the rules, “If it takes longer than 15 seconds to read a blog entry, it is too long.

Silly Blog Rules Link

Hey, that's not fair.

Rules are rules. See ya.

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