We are Back

DG You have been gone for a month. What's going on?

I have been working on my sump pump alarm.

The original alarm box was not loud enough to be heard upstairs, so I had added a louder alarm using a fire alarm bell.

Remember this?

Fire alarm bell

Well I have added some enhancements. Look at this.

Fire alarm bell with switch and test button.

I added an on/off switch to make it not ring ever, and a test button switch to make it ring any time I want it to. When it is ringing, I can turn it off without having to unplug anything. And I can make sure that it all works any time I want to by pushing the test button.

Pretty neat.

DG Nobody cares

Oh, and hey, if you think that is cool, look at this!

Alarm with klaxon siren horn.

The bell didn’t seem loud enough either, so I added a new device with a klaxon horn that I can hook up instead. It also has an on/off switch and a test button.

Cool, hunh?

DG Why are you doing this. Nobody cares!

But then, the klaxon wasn’t loud enough either, so I build a relay panel so that I can trigger all of the alarms at the same time.

Complex panel of relays and wires.

It has four relays, an on/off switch, a test button, and some really creative wiring. I like the orange wire nuts.

The relay panel is the best!

DG eye roll sigh

And…. last but not least, here is the whole setup wired together.

Three alarms wired into the relay panel.

It makes a heck of a racket.

So, DG, what do you think?

Is this cool, or what?

Wanna hear it go off?




Hmmm. I wonder where he has got off to now.

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