You may remember that back in June, the Kids went out when it was 91 degrees and dug this rock out of the ground.
In case you need a memory refresher, here is a link to that post.
They named the rock “Horatio”.
Don’t ask me. I don’t know. I don’t name rocks.
Anyway, last week they ran across this rock.
While it wasn’t 91 degrees out, the rock provided a challenge because it started out here:
Yep That’s in a hole, like, three feet down.
So how do you move a rock that must weigh 500 pounds out of a hole with nothing but hand tools and determination?
You pry it up a fraction of an inch and then put smaller rocks under it to hold it there while you pry it up again and put small rocks and then pry it up again. Rinse and repeat. Inch by inch. Hour by hour.
You keep doing that until…..
The rock is out of its hole, leaving behind a trail of smaller rocks used to lift it. And then, there it is.
So…. what was I doing during all of this? I was sitting inside surfing the ‘net, of course, and trying to memorize the number for 911…. in case we ended up with a broken leg or something.
And they named the rock “Jennifred”.
Don’t ask me. I don’t know. I don’t name rocks.