Meet Blue

While DG is off playing with his writer’s blocks I thought that I would introduce you to Blue. “Blue” is the name that we gave to this plant that we have growing in the house. (Don’t ask…. I don’t name the plants.)

So, meet Blue


Blue is a nice, big Agave plant fer sure. To show you how big Blue is, I have put my ruler next to it. Check it out.

Blue the Ruler

Pretty cool.

But that isn’t the half of it. You see….. Blue is a baby.

That’s right. Blue is just a baby.

Blue’s official name is Agave franzosinii, also known as Agave beauleriana.

Here is what the Momma looks like.


I am serious! That is not trick photography. That is how huge these things get!

In case you are missing the point of the picture, I have annotated it to show you the salient points.


I mean. C’mon! Seriously? And that is growing inside our house!?

Don’t believe me? Here is another photo.

Another Momma


I am channeling that unfortunate person who thought that the cuddly little tiger cub would make a cute pet.

In case you want to check this out yourself, Google® Agave franzosinii or go here.

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