I have a new page on this blog. The name of it is “Silly Terms I Use” (STIU)…. pronounced “Stew”. Click on the link below:

STIU  Or you can click on the link to it up there Hand

OK. That was fun. If you got back here, then you have figured out how to use the Back Button on your browser. Yay.

I put that page in just in case you have forgotten what an Augernaut is or what SPOTH means. It is a glossary of names I have made up over the years on this blog.

And speaking of SPOTH, I have fallen behind on that thread. Here is another plant that has spawned down in the basement.


It’s such a tiny thing…. but ugly….


That wasn’t just HIT by the ugly stick….. that IS the ugly stick.

And just in case you want to find one, or you want to know what to avoid…. here is what it is.


Spineless, indeed. This thing reminds me of the mutant squirrel from The Simpsons Movie.SquirrelBTW, the above image is Copyright © Whoever Owns the Simpsons Stuff. I downloaded it from the interwebs. I certainly didn’t create that.

Makes you wonder what else is crawling out of the sump hole in the basement, doesn’t it?

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