I Did It.

I did it. I reset the Tablet back to its Factory Defaults. Just in case you decide you need to do this yourself, here is how I did it.

First of all, I wrote down all the stuff I had installed on it so that I could remember what to put back.


Then, I wrote down all of my passwords since I will have to set everything up again.

Don't even think about it.

Yaaaa. I blurred it all out. Duh. I wasn’t born yesterday.

I charged the Tablet up to 100% while it was still off.

Good to go

Well there’s an excellent photo fer sure. I think the camera focused on my reflection instead of the screen. It really does say “100%”. Trust me.

Next, I rebooted the Tablet (slowly…. it always works slowly now).

Go into Settings. That is the picture of the gear.


That takes you to the Settings page, where you scroll down to the menu item “Backup and restore”.  Take your finger and touch “Backup and restore”. That takes you to the page where it says “Factory data reset”. Both are circled in red in the image below.

Almost there

Touch on “Factory data reset”, and that takes you to the “Dire Warnings and Scary Statements” screen. It has the button called “Reset Device”.


This is where it tells you that all your stuff will be gonzo if you do this. Don’t read it. It will scare you. Just do it.

Click on “Reset Device” button, the one inside the red oval…… are you ready?….. just do it…. you know you want to….. and…..


Oh. Wait. There’s another one. This one says that if you do this all your stuff will be gone… really really really (really)…. I really mean it….. really !! gone!. The button says “Delete all”. So click on it!

The Tablet shuts down.

Shutting Down

Then, it starts erasing stuff.


It showed me the S^msung screen for quite a while….and then…….. it went dark. Dark dark dark. Creepy dark. Dead done dark.

Moment of truth. I turned it back on.

Back on


It made me sign in to The Google again and answer some questions about what to call it and what language to use and stuff. But it did come back up. It took a long time after it booted to update itself. In fact the Google Play Store automagically re-installed a bunch of the apps I had on it in spite of the dire warnings “All your personal information and downloaded applications will be deleted and cannot be recovered“. So much for Truth in Advertising. It told me after it was done that it had updated 22 things.

But there it is. That is a pretty empty Tablet there.

I put some of the stuff from my list back onto the main screen. I don’t think I will clutter it up quite like I did the first time.


It seems to be running again. I don’t know how long it will last, but it is running.

OK. Now it is YOUR TURN. C’mon! Grab your phone! Let’s go….. You know you want to do it!

NO! WAIT! STOP! That was a joke! Don’t do it! Put it down!

Jeepers. That was close!

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