Monthly Archives: September 2024

DG Gets an Idea

DG has been thinking long and hard, and he finally came up with an idea. Don’t forget to turn on the audio for the full effect. Ya, I did. Pretty clever, hunh?

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Thinking Up Gags

I had a brilliant idea about what I could post on this blog. I drew an animation of DG thinking up gags for the blog. Check it out. Turn on the audio for the complete effect! Ha ha haaa

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Future Direction of the Blog

DG was complaining about the boring content of this blog. So I got together with him to toss around some ideas about what we can post next. “How about I post my recipe for blueberry bagels?”, I asked. OK. How … Continue reading

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Boring Blog Protest

DG is protesting about how boring this blog has become “Well, DG”, I said. “Do you have any better ideas?” Nope. Don’t even start. We are not going there. Hey! I’ve got and idea! I could post my recipe for … Continue reading

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