Since we are getting into the taller plants, here is one that is not only taller, but it has a hint of red in it as well as a hint of tiger stripes.
That is a Billbergia Hybrid.
Since we are getting into the taller plants, here is one that is not only taller, but it has a hint of red in it as well as a hint of tiger stripes.
That is a Billbergia Hybrid.
Here’s an even taller tiger striped SPOTH.
It’s an Aechmea ‘Chantinii DeLeon’ Black bromeliad. I bet you can’t say that three times fast without spitting up.
I don’t see anything about tigers or zebras in its name, though.
Dude. That’s just a spider plant. There’s nothing strange about a spider plant. Everybody has one.
OK. You got me on a technicality.
I found a SPOTH that looks a lot like the previous one, but it’s a bit taller.
This is a Neoregelia Little Tiger Yellow. Where I saw a zebra, somebody else saw a tiger.
I wonder what the big tiger looks like.
I found a SPOTH that looks a lot like the previous one, but it’s a different color.
That is a Neoregelia ‘Dragon’.
Oh, so you want in on the action?
It is time for another SPOTH. This one is Cryptanthus ‘Absolute Zero’, also known as an Earth Star.
Nice looking plant. Reminds me of a zebra.
DG has become disruptive again, so I thought I would post a SPOTH*. This one is a Sincoraea ophiuroides.
Here is a closer look at the middle part.
I wonder if those tendrils can grab children or small pets.
*Strange Plant Of The Hour
I was not pleased with the results of my previous interaction with the AI, so I decided to try a different one to see if I can do better.
DG has been acting up lately and has become a pain in the neck, so I thought I would consult an AI program to see if it could help me make a better DG.
Well, maybe. But it was just a dusting… a nothing burger, so it doesn’t count.
Well, OK then. You got me on a technicality. So, here’s your ten bucks.
I can’t draw a real ten dollar bill. That could get me in trouble for counterfeiting.
I am declaring that Winter is now officially over. You can bet on it.
I know this because of the Basic Snowblower Rule (the B S Rule), which is that just as soon as you need a snowblower, the snowblower will stop working. That happened to us during the previous snow storm, when the Augernaut* developed a flat tire. Have you ever tried to steer a snowblower with a flat tire? It isn’t easy.
Here’s the problem.
Snowblowers have tubeless, pneumatic tires on them. They do. I suppose they do that to get better mileage or something? I don’t know. You would think that a simple rubber donut would suffice as a tire on a snowblower, but nooooo, tubeless tires is what we get.
As it turns out, if a tubeless pneumatic tire goes sufficiently flat (which ours did), the bead will unseat itself from the rim and that leaves the tire off the rim and not inflatable until you can reseat it to the rim. Get out the shovels.
So, after spending the rest of the week and all of Saturday morning figuring out how to reseat the tire to the rim, we were finally successful…. and we got the tire inflated….. just as the sun came out.
And that brings us to the Corollary to the B S Rule, which is that having a working snowblower guarantees that there will be no more snow storms. Hence, the winter is over. I predicted that way back in 2011, when we got the snowblower, New Snowblower Arrives.
Sure, ten bucks says that we get no more snow storms this year.
He’s so easy.
*Augernaut is our nickname for our huge snowblower. See the explanation at Silly Terms I Use.