Next day. I am doing this in the evenings now after I get home from work. So the finish is drying for 24 hours between coats. With the TruOil, that is plenty of time for the finish to get dry. The neck up by the nut is feeling a bit rough, so I need to sand that down again.

The Finger Board is Still Rough Here.
I also noticed that there is a small split forming on the tailpiece. It doesn't look very deep, so I don't think that it will be a structural problem. If it does cause a problem, I will have to make a new part.

The Split is Very Shallow
I sanded down the neck again to get ready for the third coat of oil.

Sanding the Neck
After sanding, I buffed the neck with steel wool. Buffing with steel wool produces a nice surface for the oil to enhance.

Buffing the Neck with OOOO Steel Wool
Here it is again. Third coat of oil is on it.

Third Coat of Oil is in Place