Brian's Main Web Page

My Web Pages
Fret Calculator (YAFCalc)
Dead Easy Banjo
My Music Page
My Art Page
My Humor Page
"Combinatorics of the I Ching"
What is this Thing?
Family History
Compensated Banjo Bridges
How to View 3D Images
Goodbye, Caddy
My Instrument Projects
Mesquite Dulcimer
Large Minstrel Banjo
Bending Banjo Hoops
How I Built a Gourd Banjo - III
How I Built a Gourd Banjo - II
How I Built a Gourd Banjo - I
How I Built a Goldtone Maple Classic
How I Built a Flesher Minstrel
My Blogs
Nothing Happens At Ten
Favorite Web Pages I Read
Laredo UPT Class 71-07
Reading Art Association
Arts Reading
Woburn Guild of Artists
Email Addresses
briankimerer @
bkimerer @

As you can see from the photo, I am a banjo player. I make and play banjos as a hobby. I also paint pictures as a hobby. I am a software engineer by vocation, and a musician and artist by avocation. This web page contains links to my work on the World Wide Web as well as some words about me and my personal history.

Another of my hobbies is writing. On occasion I simply enjoy writing up some bit of humor or a strange mathematical treatise. There are links on the left side of this page to those meanderings under the headings, "Combinatorics of the I Ching", "Compensated Banjo Bridges", and on my Humor page in general. This is all amateur stuff, which is why it is published on the web and not in books.

I design my own web pages from scratch, entering the HTML tags with simple text editors. I like to keep the pages graphically simple as a contrast to all the vibrant noise that papers the web in general. I have a bunch of links to my various pages in the box under the photo.

My blog, "Nothing Happens At Ten" is about whatever pops into my head at the time. That can get pretty strange, but the intent is to be amusing. Check it out.

As for my personal history, I was born long ago in the state of Ohio. I don't remember much about my birth because I was very young at the time and in the state of confusion. I went through grade school, junior high school, high school yada yada yada, blah blah blah, and ended up with a B.S. in Physics. You can see a photo of me in college by clicking on the link below:

Me In College

After graduation, our own Uncle Sam called me into service, and I spent 6 or so years as a Pilot in the USAF. Go see a hero picture of me with my T-38 by clicking on the link below:

Air Force Hero Picture

I departed the Air Force and went back to graduate school where I procured a M.S. degree in Computer Engineering. Then the real fun began.

I have spent the last 31 years working as a software engineer in various markets including Semiconductor Capital Equipment, Factory Automation, and database engines. In most of those jobs I concentrated on the design and development of Graphical User Interfaces. This was a unique opportunity to satisfy my interest in technical areas as well as my aesthetic interest in the graphical world.

I am currently working at a job which requires me to write programs that demultiplex telemetry data sent down from a missile. I guess that makes me a "Rocket Scientist".   =:O   It keeps me on my toes. You can see what the software industry has done to me by clicking on the link below:

Recent Photo of Me

There isn't much else to tell. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and feel free to visit my various web pages as you see fit.

I have had the pleasure of hosting 64,046 guests since this site was created on November 21, 2004.

This web site and all of its content, text and images are Copyright © 2000 - Brian S. Kimerer
All rights reserved.

Last updated September 2, 2018