Wow! Look at this! It's round! There is a little bit of a bump up there on the left, but for the most part, this is a round hoop. I don't see any splits or cracks in it either. No egg shape. My baffle seems to have worked as planned.

The Hoop is Round
Here is it from a different angle.

From a Different Angle It Is Still Round
The ends are kind of kinky, but I expected that. I just need to figure out what to do with those to bring them together and make a hoop out of it.

The Ends Are a Bit Kinky
It is a tiny bit too big, about 13 1/4". But that is OK. It doesn't have to be exactly 13" because I am going to stretch a skin head over it and tack it down to the hoop. So the precise size of the hoop is of no consequence.

The Hoop is Just Over 13 Inches Across
I finally made a good bend. Things are looking up.